Cover for No Agenda Show 1576: Disease X
July 27th, 2023 • 3h 27m

1576: Disease X


Every new episode of No Agenda is accompanied by a comprehensive list of shownotes curated by Adam while preparing for the show. Clips played by the hosts during the show can also be found here.

Nic - Strike until the new year, streamers love it! - Catalog
Is it time for an NAsocial purge and resub?
Matt Long Patriot Radio 2 shots from shitfaced
Emergency Rainstick needed
know yall don't like to shake the rain stick unless it's drastic. But our well just ran dry in our part of the hill country. We live about 15 min north of San Antonio (Bulverde). There are many around us whose wells are dry and we have to have water hauled in from Canyon Lake. But the water guys informed us they are going into stage 3 drought soon and will not be able to haul water. We desperately need rain in kerville and here to replenish the aquifer. There are so many people flooding in here that won't stop watering their yards and won't collect rainwater (we are in the process now). We have a homestead with animals and a garden, but it's hard to keep things alive with little water. This is an SOS. Prayers would also be appreciated greatly.
Thanks for all yall do 💕
Sara Cogar
NA *is* a numbers station BOTG
Dear Adam,
I enjoy your show occasionally, but write to you rarely. However, hearing JCD's theory that NPC TikTok streams are "high-end numbers stations" juxtaposed with your donation segment wherein you read off the amounts that people donated was just too ironic for me to let pass without comment. Well played!
Yours truly,
Adam Mackler
Climate Change
Emergency Rainstick needed
know yall don't like to shake the rain stick unless it's drastic. But our well just ran dry in our part of the hill country. We live about 15 min north of San Antonio (Bulverde). There are many around us whose wells are dry and we have to have water hauled in from Canyon Lake. But the water guys informed us they are going into stage 3 drought soon and will not be able to haul water. We desperately need rain in kerville and here to replenish the aquifer. There are so many people flooding in here that won't stop watering their yards and won't collect rainwater (we are in the process now). We have a homestead with animals and a garden, but it's hard to keep things alive with little water. This is an SOS. Prayers would also be appreciated greatly.
Thanks for all yall do 💕
Sara Cogar
Anonymous controller BOTG
A few shows back a controller for Louisiana wrote in about the FAA changing separation standards for aircraft in regards to the “climate change turbulence”. I’d like to rebuttal this by saying that is not true. The 7110.65: chapter 5-5-4, radar separation, states that separation minima is 1,000’ vertically or 5nm lateral with ads-b radar identified aircraft’s. However, local MOU’s at en route facilities like mine have adopted 3nm standard separation but only AOB fl230, this is quite a change but still has not changed the nose to tail following separation minimas for category’s SUPER/HEAVY, HEAVY/LARGE, LARGE/SMALL aircraft, where minimas are increased based on category of the aircraft following behind.
All this to say, it is interesting to me that all this news bull crap coming out about turbulence increases during flight due to climate change comes out in the heart of ATC weather season. To all my fellow NA listeners, weather season is typically between March through August, where convective weather shows up across the country and brings rough air. THIS HAPPENS SEASONALLY EVERY YEAR! After august in the fall months winter wind starts to pick up substantially bringing smoother air to fly in. I can’t tell you how many times a day I receive messages from our weather team regarding convective sigmets that I am required to read on frequency, it is then up to THE PILOTS to investigate further. I will end this by saying we as controllers have the ability, and technology at our finger tips to get you the most update weather and ride information anywhere in the country during flight, regarding ride conditions, precipitation feedback from radar, weather conditions at any airport, wind read outs, and forecasted turbulence reports given by weather teams, etc.
With this climate change crap now dipping into my area of profession I felt as though I had to speak up and give a BOTG and share with GITMO nation.
Have a great day, love the show, TYFYC
-Anonymous controller
Methods – World Weather Attribution
By analysing observed real-word weather data, collected from weather stations in the study region, researchers can find out how unlikely the extreme weather event is (the return period) and identify any trends in the intensity of similar events.
Further analysis can then determine how frequently weather events of a similar intensity would have been expected to occur before humans started burning fossil fuels in the late 1800s, which means the researchers can calculate the difference in the probability of an event occurring in the late 1800s, compared to the probability of an event occurring today.
The second part of the study uses computer modelling to try to isolate the role of human-induced climate change in the event.
Researchers use modelling that simulates the likelihood and intensity of the weather event in two ‘worlds’: today’s world with 1.2ÂșC of human induced global warming, and a hypothetical world without human-caused climate change. Researchers then compare the results to find out if climate change made the event more or less likely and intense.
The Hunter Biden rat - explained
Based on conversations with people who were in the courtroom today, and my experience as a former federal prosecutor, I think I know the full story of what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement blow-up this morning.
Bear with me, because this is a little complicated:
Typically, if the Government is offering to a defendant that it will either drop charges or decline to bring new charges in return for the defendant's guilty plea, the plea is structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A). An agreement not to prosecute Hunter for FARA violations or other crimes in return for his pleading guilty to the tax misdemeanors, for example, would usually be a (c)(1)(A) plea. This is open, transparent, subject to judicial approval, etc.
In Hunter's case, according to what folks in the courtroom have told me, Hunter's plea was structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(B), which is usually just a plea in return for a joint sentencing recommendation only, and contained no information on its face about other potential charges, and contained no clear agreement by DOJ to forego prosecution of other charges.
Instead, DOJ and Hunter's lawyers effectively hid that part of the agreement in what was publicly described as a pretrial diversion agreement relating to a § 922(g)(3) gun charge against Hunter for being a drug user in possession of a firearm.
That pretrial diversion agreement as written was actually MUCH broader than just the gun charge. If Hunter were to complete probation, the pretrial diversion agreement prevented DOJ from ever bringing charges against Hunter for any crimes relating to the offense conduct discussed in the plea agreement, which was purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China and elsewhere.
So they put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the pretrial diversion agreement, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering and Hunter was obtaining through these proceedings. Hunter's upside from this deal was vast immunity from further prosecution if he finished a couple years of probation, and the public wouldn't be any the wiser because none of this was clearly stated on the face of the plea agreement, as would normally be the case.
Judge Noreika smelled a rat. She understood that the lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball. Instead, she backed DOJ and Hunter's lawyers into a corner by pulling all the details out into the open and then indicating that she wasn't going to approve a deal as broad as what she had discovered.
DOJ, attempting to save face and save its case, then stated on the record that the investigation into Hunter was ongoing and that Hunter remained susceptible to prosecution under FARA. Hunter's lawyers exploded. They clearly believed that FARA was covered under the deal, because as written, the pretrial diversion agreement language was broad enough to cover it. They blew up the deal, Hunter pled not guilty, and that's the current state of play.
And so here we are. Hunter's lawyers and DOJ are going to go off and try to pull together a new set of agreements, likely narrower, to satisfy Judge Noreika. Fortunately, I doubt if FARA or any charges related to Hunter's foreign influence peddling will be included, which leaves open the possibility of further investigations leading to further prosecutions.
BOTG Barbie movie - 2 Genders- Anti-transmaoism
I started listening to the show during COVID and now listen to every show because I love your deconstructions (I have to sheepishly admit that I haven’t donated to your show and I’m sorry about that!)
I heard your thoughts on the Barbie movie. I saw it and have a different take for you than what the conservative pundits are ranting about so I thought I’d share it with you.
Ken being feminine/emasculated - For one, any girl who played with Barbies knows that Ken has never been masculine lol and a huge concept in the movie is that Barbieland and the barbies in it are reflecting how they’re being played with. So if Ken was masculine, that would be creepy as it would mean a man is playing with him. His feminine attributes are because he’s being played with by a little girl.
Trans Barbie - I didn’t hear about this before I saw the movie and I had no idea. Once I heard after, I went back to see which one it was. Which is a different issue because it’s frightening that I didn’t even notice!
The biggest thing I found interesting for Hollywood was that it completely promotes an idea that there are 2 distinct genders , male and female, and that they’re very different. It definitely goes against non binary ideas. In the Barbieworld, the Barbies have all of the jobs and the Kens have jobs like beach. Which is how Barbies are in real life so I thought that was a funny aspect. Ken goes to the real world and sees that it’s different for men there and he brings back these male ideas to the Barbieworld. They talk too much about patriarchy here and it does lean too feminist. But, to me it showed how bringing men into a girl space/world caused chaos. Very ironic to be promoting that concept considering there is a trans Barbie.
I also felt like the movie was very against the idea of transmaoism and the issue of the majority of young trans being girls becoming boys. It is very pro girl and womanhood and I thought it shows girls that you can be a leader, be powerful, etc without having to become a boy to do it. There is a junior high aged girl from the real world who in the beginning dresses in black kind of boyish, is cynical, has issues with her mom and is mean to her mom, thinks it’s lame to say that she used to play with Barbies. By the end, she’s wearing pink, bonds with her mom, is happy and sticks up for Barbie. To me the movie’s main theme was that it’s ok to be a girl and be a girly girl too.
Anyways, thought it was a different take you might want to hear. I am a mom who played with Barbies in the 80s and 90s who the movie is geared towards so I probably liked it more than most right leaning people. But I was appalled by some of the criticism because I feel like the main concepts went over their heads and they just didn’t get it. Definitely did not feel like it was promoting trans ideas and it was interesting to me that it almost seems like it’s promoting the opposite of that as far as girls go.
Thanks for all you do to make a great show!
BOTG Report: Ultrasound Appt -Dr Leaves ‘Sex’ Blank
In the mornin’ Adam & John,
My friend and his wife went to an ultrasound appt and I figured Gitmo Nation would get a kick out of this.
In his words: “We went and had our 20 week ultrasound today and at the end the lady was filling out info boxes and when the ‘sex’ box came up she said they don’t fill that out anymore and she was told to skip that field.”
My friend sat there telling himself not to say anything but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he continued- “‘You don’t check the male or female box,' and she said ‘we used to but we were told not to anymore.’ She said in a very thick Indian accent, ‘I’m not sure why,’ and seemed sincere that she didn’t know why but I sure do.”
Crazy story, had to share.
Love is lit,
Sir Tinley Not (woke or vaxxed)
Hello Adam,
ITM! Just wanted to send a quick note about the whole trans-Maoism and connection to SSRI's. Two men I've known very well were put on anti-depressants when they were well into retirement age. One lost his wife and the other was divorced sending both into some instability. Both went to counselling and were prescribed anti-depressants. Both were typical heterosexual males in long-term monogamous relationships, and not long after going on the anti-depressants both became crossdressers obsessed with self-feminization. This was around 15 years ago, and I don't think either were online exposed to the hypno porn, but that certainly is a contributing factor among younger people. From these observations in my own life I might draw the conclusion that the SSRI's are rejiggering something in the brain. Porn/hypno/femdom may amplify this, but may not be the source. I have no idea, I'm not an expert. Also, a high school classmate of mine transitioned MTF immediately after we graduated about 20 years ago. I refer to him as "he" because he's attempted to un-transition. It's a bit of a sad story because as is typical, he was the darling of everything trans. Poster child, interviewed, etc. Then about 4 years ago he was diagnosed with MS as a result of the trans drugs and hormones he was on. Rather than quietly disappear he attempted to be a voice of the dangers of transitioning and was blacklisted and personal non-grata. Not the greatest subject to have to send a boots on the ground report about, but I hope this might help your research in some way.
Queer & Pride begint met protest: ‘Zelfs in Nederland zijn we nog nie

‘Queer lives matter’, schreeuwt de 20-jarige Darcy Zuiderwijk (die wil worden aangesproken met die/diens of hen/hun) zaterdagmiddag op de Dam in Amsterdam. Hen houdt een zelfgemaakt actiebord in de lucht, terwijl de wind de kreukels uit de vele regenboogvlaggen van de andere aanwezigen waait.
Op het podium staat een doventolk, die vertaalt wat de menigte opsomt: ‘Trans lives, lesbian lives, gay lives, refugee lives, muslim lives, disabled lives, all lives matter!’ Het tafereel is exemplarisch voor het evenement dat hier wordt afgetrapt: de Queer & Pride, voorheen de Gay Pride. Aan de traditionele feestweek voor de lhbti-gemeenschap is dit jaar namelijk een week toegevoegd. Daarin staan protest, inclusie en erkenning van minderheden centraal.
Om meer ruimte te creëren voor dit soort geluiden is de tweede week toegevoegd aan de Pride. Dat ging niet zonder slag of stoot, bleek vorige week uit een reconstructie van Het Parool.
Big Pharma
Big Tech
Clinton Body Count
Great Reset
Ukraine vs Russia
US Announces $400 Million Arms Package for Ukraine - Activist Post
Additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS)
Stinger anti-aircraft systems
Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)
155mm and 105mm artillery rounds
120mm and 60mm mortar rounds
32 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers
Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles
Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets
Hornet Unmanned Aerial Systems
Hydra-70 aircraft rockets
Tactical air navigation systems
Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing
Over 28 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades
Night vision devices and thermal imagery systems
Spare parts, training munitions, and other field equipment
DoD Staffing May Not Be Sufficient to Fully Conduct Enhanced End-Use Monitoring Inventories at Logistics Hubs in Poland
During our evaluation of DoD Enhanced End-Use Monitoring in Ukraine, we determined that the Defense Security Cooperation Agency’s Security Assistance Management Manual did not explicitly allow U.S. Government personnel other than the Office of Defense Cooperation–Ukraine to conduct Enhanced End-Use Monitoring of defense articles before transfer to Ukraine
Bobby the Op
AFRICA Boots on the Ground
Hello Adam,
This is a very condensed version of my analysis on Africa. I could write about the continent for days....
Your recent coverage of the activity in Africa caught my attention, as I have spent a significant amount of time there in support of certain three letter agencies. My most relevant trip was actually in 2008-2009. One of my many tasks was to collect on-the-ground intelligence information regarding smuggling routes between Djibouti and Khartoum. At the time, Sudan was a single country. In 2011, South Sudan became an independent country with the support of Uncle Sam. So apparently, the intel collection worked. Those pesky Muslims in Khartoum wouldn't allow the West to stage any goods or services in their country, so we just made another one that would support us. Needless to say, Sudan (via Uganda) has been in play for a long time.
This effort wouldn't have been possible without the support of Uganda. The West has pumped so much money and goods into Uganda during Yoweri Museveni's reign, they are completely dependent on the handouts and will do whatever we tell them. There are many interesting correlations between Uganda and Ukraine, if you're looking for a blueprint for upcoming activities in central Africa. For example, the presidents of both countries have suspended elections and made themselves de facto dictators, with the support of the West. Yoweri Museveni is currently the President of Uganda for life. He came to power during a bloody uprising/coup, but then again that's how most African leaders come to power. Another interesting comparison is the East African Federation and the European Union. When the Global War on Terrorism started, the West was keep to recruit Uganda (already a part of the EAF) to do their bidding in Somalia. This seems eerily similar to what is happening with Ukraine; build up a stooge to fight our proxy wars. Similar to Poland in the EU, I believe Uganda would be the staging ground for any major military activities in central Africa.
My first trip to Africa was as a member of the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA). What started as a small base in Djibouti to fight in Somalia has now turned into Africa Command (AFRICOM), with headquarters in Germany. A CJTF doesn't rate a whole lot of dollars in the defense budget, but a major combatant command like AFRICOM can carry a huge purse. This buildup has been slow and quiet.
A very interesting psyop rabbit hole to go down is the "Joseph Kony 2012" saga. Joseph Kony is a brutal warlord whose main business in razing villages and creating child soldiers. However, it's my personal belief he is a psyop by the Ugandan Government against their own people to continue their own version of the military industrial complex. We were fighting Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) back in the early 2000's, and now I wonder if that was all in support of the Sudanese civil war and splitting up that country.
There is another matter of Chinese intelligence on the Dark Continent, but I will save that for another email.
Thank you for your courage,
Captain Redbeard of the Space Coast
The Pentagon's Bio-Labs in Africa - The Shultz Report
Africa is facing increasing surveillance from the Pentagon’s DTRA, especially concerning “biological defense projects.” On a side note, using the provided budget outline, the DTRA also maintains a program in Central Asia focused on the developement of hypersonic technology and artificial intelligence.
It’s also clear the activity in Africa has been planned for some time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the African Union purchased hundreds of millions of vaccines (Moderna, J&J, Pfizer) through the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) which is, unsurprisingly, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the Wyss Foundation, both the African and European Unions, and the United States. Fortunately for people living in Africa who were charitably gifted with the vaccine by these organizations, there exists the AVAT No Fault Compensation Scheme which monetary compensation for citizens of Participating Member States who have suffered from “Serious Adverse Events” as a result of their vaccinations. Considering how Completely Safe and Effectiveℱ the COVID vaccines have been, the existence of such a platform is quite puzzling.
Alien testimony
Just observations...
This is the ONLY hearing I've heard from this Congress where the D's and R's are 100% in agreement (
In closing, "A very fair and substantive hearing" and the "Most bipartisan conversation" per Mr. Garcia at 12:18pm...I'll send a clip
Anything pertinent is "in a SCIF"
There was a detailed and accurate description of levels of classification, which i have never heard in Congressional testimony
There is a safety threat to nuclear and national security
So my thoughts on this are "Why now?" Is this recognition by the two parties that they have fucked the country, and now we need an external threat to re-unify? (B/c if that threat is "Russia, Russia, Russia!", that means total global thermonuclear war)
This is the distraction of the year. 100%
"The media has an important role in this process." Plea for help?
Lancet Study on COVID Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine '' Study Is Removed Within 24 Hours - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:37
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A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine '' but the study was removed within 24 hours.
The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.
However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: ''This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.'' While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of ''screening criteria''.
The original study abstract can be found in the Internet Archive. It reads (with my emphasis added):
Background: The rapid development and widespread deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.
Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.
Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%) and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.
Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
The full study does not appear to have been saved in the Internet Archive, but can be read here.
Without further detail from the Preprints with the Lancet staff who removed the paper it is hard to know what substance the claim that the conclusions are not supported by the methodology really has. A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line. Keep in mind that the CDC has not yet acknowledged a single death being caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines. Autopsy evidence demonstrating otherwise is clearly not what the U.S. public health establishment wants to hear.
Dr. Clare Craig, a pathologist and co-Chair of the HART pandemic advisory group, says that in her view the approach taken in the study is sound. She told the Daily Sceptic:
The VAERS system [of vaccine adverse event reporting] is designed to alert to potential harms without necessarily being the best way of measuring the extent of those harms.
Quantifying the impact of deaths can be done by looking at overall mortality rates in a country.
However, this is imperfect as a deficit of deaths would be expected after a period of excess deaths, making the accuracy of any baseline dubious.
An alternative approach of auditing such deaths through autopsy is sound.
There may be a bias [in the study] towards reporting the autopsies of deaths where there was evidence of causation and the likelihood of causation might be exaggerated by that bias. For example, 19 of the 325 deaths were due to vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) but these reports may be overrepresented because of the regulators' willingness to acknowledge such deaths.
Nevertheless, it is important that attempts are made to quantify the risk of harm and censorship of these attempts, rather than open scientific critique, does nothing to help reassure people.
Dr. Harvey Risch, one of the study's authors, told the Daily Sceptic he deems it ''pure Government-directed censorship, even after the Missouri v. Biden injunction''.
''Meanwhile, my colleagues are studying what they call 'Long Vax', which is vaccine-caused damage. But of course that is a rare, rare, rare outcome, except that they seem not to be having any problem finding such individuals to enroll in their study,'' he added.
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Featured image is from TDS
The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity by Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project ''destroys people's lives''. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the ''pandemic'' '-- from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.
''My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the ''deadly'' COVID-19 ''vaccine''. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.''
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, PDF Ebook, Pages: 164, 15 Chapters
Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.
We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research's DonorBox ''Worldwide Corona Crisis'' Campaign Page.
US Announces $400 Million Arms Package for Ukraine - Activist Post
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:45
By Dave DeCamp
The Biden administration on Tuesday announced a new $400 million weapons package for Ukraine that includes ammunition for artillery and air defense systems, anti-tank weapons, and other types of equipment.
The arms are being provided through the Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the administration to send weapons to Ukraine directly from US military stockpiles. The Pentagon said in a press release that the package is the 43rd drawdown from US stockpiles for Ukraine since August 2021.
According to the Pentagon, the arms package includes the following:
Additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS)Stinger anti-aircraft systemsAdditional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)155mm and 105mm artillery rounds120mm and 60mm mortar rounds32 Stryker Armored Personnel CarriersTube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missilesJavelin and other anti-armor systems and rocketsHornet Unmanned Aerial SystemsHydra-70 aircraft rocketsTactical air navigation systemsDemolitions munitions for obstacle clearingOver 28 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenadesNight vision devices and thermal imagery systemsSpare parts, training munitions, and other field equipmentThe Pentagon also released a fact sheet that said the administration has pledged more than $43 billion in military equipment for Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022. The funds for the new weapons package are being drawn from spending that has already been authorized for the war, which at this point totals $113 billion.
The new package comes amid warnings from US and other Western officials that NATO stockpiles are running low, raising questions about the sustainability of President Biden's proxy war against Russia. The US has provided Ukraine with an enormous amount of ammunition, including over two million rounds of 155mm artillery shells.
The administration cited the fact that the US was running out of ammunition as an excuse to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs, which are widely banned due to the extreme harm they cause civilians. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed Ukraine would be ''defenseless'' without the civilian-killing munitions.
Source: Antiwar
Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave. View all posts by Dave DeCamp
Image: Pixabay
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'The Perfect Crime': Has Google Taken Over Election Results?
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:44
Technocrats working in Big Tech companies have zero regard for political systems, believing that voters exist only to be scientifically manipulated into into making ''better'' decisions; after all, Technocrats and Transhumanists ''have the indisputable science'' of the rightness or wrongness of any topic and thus see no problem in ''educating'' the ignorant masses into following their ''science''.
While protests against voting machines, hacking and ballot harvesting have dominated the headlines for over 5 years, nobody has paid attention to Big Tech and especially Google, which could have single-handedly thrown the results of the 2020 and 2022 national elections.
In the 1930s, the Technocracy movement defined itself as the the ''Science of Social Engineering.'' Nothing has changed. 'ƒ TN Editor
Big Tech companies are deliberately manipulating the outcomes of our elections. In Florida, for example, on Election Day of the 2022 midterms, 100% of liberals received go-vote reminders on their version of Google's homepage, but only 59% of conservatives did. Figure 1. A go-vote reminder on Google's home page on Election Day, 2022.
Big Tech companies are deliberately manipulating the outcomes of our elections and the thinking and beliefs of our children. And they are having an enormous impact.
If you doubt that, consider this latest snippet of data from my lab, the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT).
Consider this: The GOP currently has a slim 10-seat majority in the House of Representatives. Without Google's interference in 2022, it would likely now have a majority of more than three times that size.
The 2022 midterm elections that gave the Democrats a two-vote majority in the U.S. Senate had quite a bit of help from Google, and, to a lesser extent, from a couple of other major tech companies.
If Google had not interfered in the 2022 midterm elections, the GOP would likely have ended up with a Senate majority of at least two seats.
The Big Tech companies that exploded into existence over the past 20 years '-- as some of their prominent insiders have stated '' have undermined our democracy, indoctrinated our children, and increasingly turned our freedom into an illusion.
Tristan Harris, a former ''design ethicist'' at Google, says that he was a member of a team at the company, whose job it was to influence ''a billion people's attention and thoughts every day.'' Jaron Lanier, a computer scientist and one of the early investors in Google and Facebook, claims that Big Tech content has ''morphed into continuous behavior modification on a mass basis.'' Another early investor in these companies, the prominent author and venture capitalist Roger McNamee, has said that he now regrets having financed them, and asserts that they constitute ''a menace to public health and to democracy.''
Rigorous Research
Such concerns are valid and the Senate numbers correct: we have been using rigorous, scientific methods to study Google and other tech companies for more than 10 years. During this time, we have discovered and quantified about a dozen powerful new forms of influence that the internet has made possible. We have also developed and deployed monitoring systems that track, record, and analyze the personalized content that Google and other tech companies send to voters and children 24 hours a day '' in other words, we are monitoring their systems and doing to them what they do to us.
Our basic scientific, peer-reviewed studies clearly show the power that Google and other companies have to alter thinking and behavior. Our monitoring systems confirm that these companies are actually using these techniques, as confirmed by company whistleblowers, as well as by leaks of documents, emails, videos, and other materials from Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
The techniques we have discovered '' the Search Engine Manipulation Effect, the Answer Bot Effect, the Targeted Messaging Effect, and others '' can easily shift the opinions and voting preferences of undecided voters by between 20% and 80% after just one manipulation. Google can also repeat these manipulations many times over a period of months prior to an election.
Assuming the effects of these techniques are additive, Google can likely produce even larger shifts in opinions and voting preferences than the ones from a single manipulation used just once.
Google also knows exactly who is vulnerable to these manipulations '' who is still undecided before Election Day, for example '' so they can target and bombard just the right people on a massive scale 24 hours a day.
Our research has shown repeatedly that the manipulations used can make them invisible to people, and can often produce shifts of 40% or more in the voting preferences of undecided voters without anyone having the slightest idea they have been manipulated. They feel free, even while they are being strongly controlled. As one journalist wrote, ''It really is the perfect crime.''
Finally, our research measures the influence of ''ephemeral experiences'' '-- their term '-- meaning content that is seen briefly, affects the user, and then disappears forever, leaving no paper trail for authorities to trace, Most online content '' search results, newsfeeds, video sequence, and so on '' are ephemeral.
Can Google deliberately use ephemeral content to manipulate people? You bet. If you doubt that, read this 2018 article from the Wall Street Journal about some leaked emails from the company. In that email exchange, Googlers are discussing how they might use ''ephemeral experiences'' to change people's views about Trump's temporary 2017 travel ban on visitors from seven majority-Muslim countries.
Rapidly Growing Monitoring Capabilities
In the days leading up to the 2022 midterms, the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology monitored Big Tech content through the computers of 2,742 registered voters in 10 swing states, and preserved more than 2.5 million ephemeral experiences '' data that is normally lost forever '' on Google and other platforms.
We preserved overwhelming evidence of Google's manipulations on their search engine, on their video recommendations on YouTube (owned by Google), and even on their homepage on Election Day. On that day in Florida, for example, 100% of liberals received go-vote reminders on their version of Google's homepage (Figure 1), but only 59% of conservatives did (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Proportion of go-vote reminders on Google's home page, broken down by the political leaning of the recipients.
The Tried and Tested Solution: a Permanent, Self-Sustaining Monitoring System
Google can, overall, easily shift the votes of between 20-80% of undecided voters; right now, that is about 40% of the electorate. This could be enormously consequential. By mid-2024, 20% of voters will likely still not have made up their minds on who to support. At that point, Google will still be able to shift up to 80% of the votes of those individuals '-- or up to 16% percent of the electorate.
If, in 2024, 158 million people cast ballots, as they did in 2020, it means Google could likely shift the votes of between 6.4 and 25.5 million people, thereby easily controlling the outcome of any election in which the projected win margin is less than 4%. No laws or regulations are in place to stop them, but our monitoring can. We are monitoring their systems and doing to them what they do to us. When the Big Tech companies know that their manipulations are being watched, they back off. It has already worked to completely shut down manipulations in one important election.
On November 5, 2020, three U.S. Senators sent a strong warning letter to the CEO of Google expressing concern about the extreme political bias our monitoring system had detected in the days leading up to the presidential election '' bias sufficient to have shifted at least 6 million votes to Joe Biden.
As a result, Google immediately shut down its election manipulations in the two upcoming Senate runoff elections in Georgia.
We were monitoring Google content through the computers of a politically-balanced group of more than 1,000 registered voters in that state. Go-vote reminders ceased, and so did bias in Google search results.
In other words, monitoring, combined with political pressure from our leaders and our public, can and will force Google and other tech companies to stay clear of our elections and our children. It will also give legislators, regulators, and litigants the ammunition they need to challenge both the company and its executives in court.
Since 2016, we set up six election monitoring systems, for only the weeks leading up to each election. After the 2022 midterms '' with the results being so blatant and disturbing '' we decided that the time had finally come to set up a permanent monitoring system in all 50 states '' a $50 million project that we were able to launch with $3 million in donations from some patriotic Americans.
Without a permanent system like this in place, we will never know the extent to which Google-and-the-Gang are messing with our elections, our kids, or even with our own heads.
Yes, they do mess with us. As explained in ''How Google Stopped the Red Wave,'' whenever you see online content screaming about Democrats who have perpetrated widespread ballot harvesting or ballot box stuffing, you are being manipulated by Google-and-the-Gang. It is their algorithms '' controlled very precisely by their employees '' that decide what content goes viral and what content is suppressed. If stories about other election irregularities are spreading like wildfire online and then being echoed on the news, it is because Google-and-the-Gang want them to. Why?
So you will not look at them '' at the tech companies themselves.
As of this writing, we are preserving and analyzing Big Tech content through the computers of a politically-balanced group of 9,838 registered voters in all 50 states, and we have met our minimum ''representative sample'' thresholds in 5 states. We are also now monitoring and preserving content '' some of which is quite alarming '' through the phones and mobile devices of children and teens.
Best of all, we have now preserved more than 25 million ephemeral experiences on Google and other platforms '' content that is normally lost forever. Our goal is to make our findings available to the public in real time, 24 hours a day, through dashboards such as America's Digital Shield.
The problem is: unless we can find additional major funding soon, we will have to start scaling down our effort in August and may have to shut it down completely soon after.
If this type of election interference continues unmonitored and unchallenged, could the GOP itself '' and ultimately all of American democracy '' become ephemeral experiences?
Read full story here'...
"So It Begins": US Supermarkets Hit With Buying Panic As India Bans Rice Exports - Activist Post
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:43
By Tyler Durden
The decision by India to ban certain rice exports has sparked panic buying at supermarkets across the United States. Videos circulating on social media show the staple food is flying off the shelves as high demand depletes supplies amid concerns of a global shortage. Some supermarkets have responded by implementing purchase limits, while others have hiked prices. The scenes below should remind readers of the panic buying days during Covid.
Indians being Indians, hoarding started. Big queue outside Patel Brothers, Dallas area after India banned exporting non Basmati rice'...
'-- Aryabhata | ༆༰்༯à¼ÂȘĂ ÂźÂŸĂ ÂŻÂĂ ÂźÂŸĂ ÂźÂŸ 🕉¾ (@Aryabhata99) July 21, 2023
Rice export stopped from India and massive panick hit the Indians in USA. Hoarding has started across the states. There has been multiple food shortages here, hoping rice shortage doesn't get added to the list.
'-- The Thinking Hat 🇼ðŸ‡" (@ThinkinHashtag) July 21, 2023
So it begins. India has banned some rice exports and now people are panic buying up rice.
'-- Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 23, 2023
Apparently the ban is for non Basmati rice. So Tamil and Telugu community would be most impacted as they consume Sona Masoori rice. They started hoarding as if rice won't be available anywhere else, ever. The fact is that Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and several immigrants in'...
'-- Mr B (@maddyb65) July 22, 2023
#MCTrends | The Indian government's ban on the export of non-basmati rice has triggered panic buying in the US, with many departmental stores reporting empty shelves and putting limits on the number of rice bags customers can buy.@AnkitaSengupta_ reports👇'...
'-- Moneycontrol (@moneycontrolcom) July 25, 2023
India's export restriction applies to shipments of non-basmati white rice. The move is to contain food inflation by ensuring ample domestic supplies, as the El Ni±o weather pattern heavily impacts farm production. India is the largest exporter of rice.
We provided readers with enough understanding that rice, which is critical to the diets of billions of people worldwide, was headed for a shortage:
Sept. 2022: The Stage Is Being Set For A Massive Global Rice ShortageMay 2023: Global Rice Shortage Looms, Set To Be The Biggest In DecadesMay 2023: Thai Rice Crop In Crosshairs Of El Nino As Farmers Are Warned About Water Shortages''India's export ban needs to be seen in the light of this ominous setting,'' Peter Timmer, Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, told Bloomberg. He has studied food security for decades and warned:
''There is considerably more reason for concern now that rice prices in Asia could spiral out of control pretty quickly.''
The president of the world's largest rice shipper had this to say:
''In the short term, the price is definitely going up, it's just a question of how high up it will go.
''And it will be a spike, it's not going to be increasing incrementally,'' said Chookiat Ophaswongse, honorary president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association.
Bloomberg data shows Thailand White Rice 5% is around $534 per ton, nearly a two-year high, and headed for a possible break above $579, which would mean prices would be back to 2012 highs.
India's latest move has sparked panic buying of the grain.
Source: ZeroHedge
Top image: Pixabay
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Feverish BBC Reporting on European 'Heatwaves' Debunked by Actual Temperature Readings '' The Daily Sceptic
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:40
Last week's heatwaves in southern Europe would have been ''virtually impossible'' without humans altering the climate, reports the BBC, quoting model-produced work rushed to press by World Weather Attribution (WWA). Humans caused the spell of Mediterranean summer heat to be 2.5°C higher, it was said. This latest study confirms what we knew before, says frequent BBC contributor and WWA founder Dr. Friederike Otto. More to the point, last week's coverage of these heatwaves confirmed what we knew before '' the BBC will pull out all the stops to promote weather fear in the cause of the collectivist Net Zero project.
On Tuesday July 18th the BBC reported on its rolling news feed that the island of Sardinia was expected to see a high of 46°C in the afternoon ''and there are warnings that extreme heat could continue for a further 10 days''.
Time and Date compiles comprehensive records of past temperatures, an increasingly useful tool for checking up on 'World on Fire' fantasists. The graph above shows the temperature in Sardinia peaking at 40°C on July 18th and then steadily falling during the week to the lower 30s.
Also on July 18th the BBC reported that the temperature in Rome could reach 40°C and remain above that level for 15 days. Over to Time and Date again.
Here we see the temperature did briefly touch 40°C in the midday sun, but then, like Sardinia, promptly fell away for the rest of the week.
At this point, the European Space Agency entered the scare-fest and the BBC duly reported its view that Sardinia and Sicily were expected to hit a high of 48°C. As I noted on Tuesday, this fanciful prediction came from a press release issued by the European Space Agency, where it started using measurements from the ground rather than the conventional air temperature.
No comment is required, although at this point the arrival of the Monty Python Colonel marching onto the set declaring, ''stop it, this sketch is getting silly. Badly written and too silly'', might be necessary.
But before the Colonel shuts us down, let us consider the plight of Justin Rowlatt, the BBC's green activist-in-chief who was airlifted last week into heat-torn Alicante. On the southern Spanish frontline, he reported on July 18th that the heat has been ''relentless'' and continued day and night. It helps explain why these periods of extreme heat ''can impose such a burden on people's health'', he observed. Rising at 6:30am to do his first broadcast, he reported it was 27°C.
Alas, for our intrepid William Boot, it only briefly touched 33°C that day, and by the weekend the temperature in Alicante was struggling to stay in the 30s.
But for the BBC, it's job well done. The mainstream media headlines screamed on cue about imminent Thermogeddon. Writing in the Daily Telegraph this Tuesday, Suzanne Moore said the ''world is on fire '' and we can't ignore it any longer''. Arsonists took the opportunity to light fires on the Greek island of Rhodes, but to Moore, observing a hasty retreat by holiday makers, ''this is what climate refugees look like''. BBC Dragon's Den celeb Deborah Meaden noted that arson ''might'' have been responsible, but then took the opportunity to widen the debate by claiming '' without a shred of proof '' ''we are about to see the first countries abandoned due to rising sea levels''.
It "might" be arson that started it and wildfires happen all the time but this is not quite the slam dunk you think it is. Unusually high temperatures for prolonged periods are what is fanning it. We are about to see the first countries abandoned due to rising sea'...
'-- Deborah Meaden ðŸ‡ÂșðŸ‡... (@DeborahMeaden) July 23, 2023Meanwhile, the World Weather Attribution operation, partly funded by green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham, adds to the mix with its modelled guesses based on imaginary climates with and without human-produced carbon dioxide. As we have noted in past articles, attribution studies is a growing branch of climate alarmism, but it fails the bedrock science falsification principle outlined by the science philosopher Karl Popper. Former IPCC author and economics professor Roger Pielke Jr. is a fierce critic, noting that he can think of no other area of research ''where the relaxing of rigour and standards has been encouraged by research in order to generate claims more friendly to headlines, political advocacy and even lawsuits''.
Pielke suggests that the rise of individual event attribution studies coincides with frustration that the IPCC has not ''definitively concluded'' that many types of extreme weather have become commonplace. In his view, they offer ''comfort and support'' to those focused on climate advocacy.
Undoubtedly WWA leads the way in providing simple, press-ready, clickbait material. Its latest press release on the European heatwaves notes that it uses ''published peer-reviewed'' methods, and backing this up there is a link to Philip et al. But it might be more accurate to describe this 2020 paper as 'mates' helpful suggestions'. One of the named authors, for instance is none other than Friederike Otto. Another author was Julie Arrighi from the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, a person identified by the BBC as one of the authors of the latest WWA report. Helpful suggestions include the advice that communicating only a lower bound, because it is mathematically better defined in many cases, ''is not advisable''. Furthermore, ''quoting only the lower bound de-emphasises the most likely result and therefore communicates too conservative an estimate''. We can't be having well-defined, conservative estimates now, can we.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor.
Detransitioner Sues Doctors for $1M Over Botched Gender Transition
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:26
WARNING GRAPHIC: Some content in this story may be disturbing for readers.
Another detransitioner who attempted a gender transition at age 17 is suing the doctors who operated on her, accusing them of ignoring her plethora of mental health conditions and pushing her down a destructive path.
Soren Aldaco, who is now 21 years old, filed her lawsuit Friday in the Tarrant County District Court of Texas. She alleges that her doctors behaved more like ''ideologues'' than medical professionals and that they did not properly take her autism, depression, anxiety, and other comorbidities into account when they evaluated her for an attempted gender transition.
The detransitioner's complaint names Del Scott Perry, Sreenath Nekkalapu, Barbara Rose Wood, Richard Santucci, Ashley DeLeon, Crane Clinic LLC, Texas Health Physicians Group, Three Oaks Counseling Group LLC, and Mesa Springs LLC. Each of these defendants were involved in a pursuit of ''experimental 'gender affirming' medical therapies'' on Aldaco, ''a vulnerable teenager struggling with a slew of mental health issues,'' her lawsuit says. None immediately responded to requests for comment.
''The repercussions of these interventions have led to Soren's permanent disfigurement and profound psychological scarring,'' the suit alleges. ''The Defendants' breaches of their fiduciary duties are only underscored by the fact that each Defendant met Soren and facilitated these 'therapies' at a pivotal juncture in Soren's life'--when she was grappling not only with the universal challenges of adolescence and body image but also with a complex amalgamation of diagnosed mental health comorbidities and other psychological and social disorders.''
''Despite these telltale signs demanding caution and therapeutic resolution,'' the suit emphasizes, Aldaco's physicians ''deliberately and recklessly propelled'' her ''down a path of permanent physical disfigurement and worsening psychological distress.''
Aldaco is one of a growing number of young detransitioners, particularly women, who have begun filing lawsuits against the medical establishment for facilitating their attempted gender transitions. A detransitioner is someone who sought to change his or her gender through hormonal or surgical interventions and ultimately regretted this attempt and returned to living as his or her biological sex.
This month, Prisha Mosley filed a lawsuit accusing her doctors and therapists of rushing her down a dangerous and life-altering path (both Mosley and Aldaco are represented by Campbell Miller Payne, PLLC). Detransitioners Chloe Cole and Layla Jane, represented by the Center for American Liberty, have also recently announced high-profile lawsuits against medical practitioners at Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Permanente Medical Group.
Aldaco, as a struggling teenager, began taking ''outrageously large, off-label'' amounts of testosterone on the advice of Del Scott Perry, a nurse practitioner with Texas Health Physicians Group, with whom she was connected through a transgender ''support group'' called Trans-Cendence International.
Perry, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment, had built a ''list of clientele'' from the group by attending its meetings for the past six to nine months, the lawsuit said.
The suit accuses Perry of not only failing to discuss her mental health issues properly, but also failing to discuss the risks that testosterone poses to biological women with Aldaco'--despite the fact that she was a mere 17 years old.
''Perry never sought or obtained any written parental consent from Soren's parents to guide her down this path,'' the suit adds.
Aldaco's relationship therapist, Barbara Wood, allegedly authored a recommendation letter qualifying her for a double mastectomy soon after she turned 19. All of Aldaco's appointments with Wood were telehealth visits, the lawsuit said, and the sessions ''never focused on or attempted to fully assess or resolve the question of Soren's gender identity.''
Crane Clinic in Austin, Texas, ''a notorious surgical center recently relocated from California to Texas'' that performs ''gender affirming'' surgeries, allegedly helped Aldaco with a template for the letter necessary for her to obtain a double mastectomy, the lawsuit said.
Wood allegedly signed the letter, which Aldaco maintains included many falshoods about her lifestyle and mental state, and she submitted it to Crane Clinic. After an ''initial consultation'' with Crane Clinic, which lasted only a few minutes, according to the lawsuit, the surgeons at Crane Clinic scheduled her for a double mastectomy on June 11, 2021.
The lawsuit graphically describes how Dr. Ashley DeLeon and Dr. Richard Santucci botched Aldaco's double mastectomy, leaving the young woman in incredible pain, grappling with a bloody and bewildering recovery process.
DeLeon ''negligently performed the double mastectomy,'' and Santucci ''negligently supervised Soren's problematic recovery, leaving Soren with horrible post-surgical complications and resulting disfigurement that continue to affect Soren to this day,'' the lawsuit alleges.
When her emergency post-surgical complications arose, Soren immediately reached out to Dr. Santucci, who downplayed her horrible complications and insisted to her that the complications were 'normal.' Despite Soren sending graphic pictures of the pools of blood forming subcutaneously within her torso, her nipples literally peeling off of her chest, and explaining the immense pain she was experiencing, Dr. Santucci seemed as though he could not be bothered to see her and did not even advise her to seek emergency care. The most Soren managed to get from Dr. Santucci was a reluctant agreement that he would check to see if he could get her in the following day.
Dr. DeLeon's and Dr. Santucci's combined breaches forced Soren to seek out emergency treatment at the University of Texas Southwestern hospital in Dallas, Texas. There, the emergency surgeons diagnosed Soren with ''massive bilateral hematomas'' (16cm on the left flank, and 17cm on the right), re-opened the Crane Clinic incisions, and stitched in drains (which should have been included in the original surgery) and drained significant amounts of accrued blood and other bodily fluids.
In addition to undergoing the pain and suffering this caused, Soren was then forced to continue draining blood and fluids from her chest cavity for the following week. These complications were never disclosed to Soren as a possibility, and indeed, when Dr. DeLeon informed Soren of the details of the surgery, she provided materials showing surgeries that included drains and was shown videos and pictures of other patients who had the surgery with drains. Soren was unaware that the ''drainless'' surgery actually performed was a risky procedure rarely used by competent practitioners.
This traumatic process ultimately left Aldaco with time to realize that neither the testosterone nor her surgery had helped her to feel comfortable in her body. As she began practicing meditation and mindfulness, she ''learned that her body was not the problem at all; the problem was with her perception and expectation of her body that society and social media had all but forced upon her.''
''Ultimately,'' the complaint says, ''what Soren realized is that over the rocky course of her adolescence, what she needed was an unbiased doctor, not an ideologue. And upon these realizations, she immediately felt and understood the wrongs she had suffered at the hands of the Defendants. With this lawsuit, Soren now seeks redress for those wrongs.''
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American Truth: building the White House | | WPSD Local 6
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 12:57
PADUCAH '-- Here is a piece of history trivia to remember and display at your next dinner party. Washington, D.C., has not always been our nation's capital. For 10 years before D.C. became the capital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, served as the nation's hub. Before that, the capital was New York, New York.
The man responsible for planning, developing and overseeing construction of Washington, D.C., was French architect Pierre "Peter" Charles L'Enfant. However, he was not chosen to build what would ultimately become what we know today as the White House.
That responsibility and honor fell to Irish American architect James Hoban. Oct. 13 marks the 230th anniversary of the White House cornerstone being laid in 1792.
The White House is the official residence and workplace of the president of the United States.
Building The White HouseThere are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms and six levels in the White House today. There are also 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, eight staircases and three elevators. The details behind the history of the home home's construction is also unique.
Matthew Costello with the White House Historical Association focuses on celebrating the White House's rich history.
Matthew Costello is a historian with the White House Historical Association based in Washington, D.C.
"The story of the White House has its origins dating back to the 1790 Residence Act. So, it would be moved away from New York City. It would only briefly be in Philadelphia, and then eventually, once the new city was built, it would be along the banks of the Potomac River," Costello said.
The cornerstone being laid is an important step in recognizing construction of the Residence.
"For anybody who's unfamiliar, when we're talking about the cornerstone we're not talking about the literal, physical stone, but rather the brass plate that would have had the dedication language," Costello said.
Architect James Hoban was ultimately selected to design and build the home instead of L'Enfant, who designed the District of Columbia.
James Hoban was an Irish-American architect, best known for designing the White House in Washington, D.C.
"Hoban's design is a bit different. The original design that was put forward by Pierre 'Peter' Charles L'Enfant envisioned more of a presidential palace. Something much larger, and Hoban's plan is actually quite a bit smaller," Costello said.
Pierre "Peter" Charles L'Enfant was a French-American military engineer who designed the basic plan for Washington, D.C., known today as the L'Enfant Plan.
Hoban was a young Irish immigrant who based his design on the Leinster House in Dublin, Ireland. The makeup of the workers who built The White House was unique for its time.
"Any given time we see the number of workers ranging anywhere from 50 people to 150 people, and it would have been a mix. There would have been enslaved African Americans, free African Americans. There also would have been European immigrants. So it really was in some ways a bit of a melting pot of early America," Costello said.
An artist's depiction of the White House construction in the mid 1790s. In 1800, President John Adams and wife, Abigail, were the first to move into the still unfinished Residence.
At the time Abigail wrote, "I pray heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this house, and on all that shall hereafter inhabit it. may none but wise men ever rule under this roof."
Over the centuries that followed, the home as been called the Executive Mansion, the President's Palace, and the President's Home, but ultimately the White House is what has endured.
"A lot of credit is given to Theodore Roosevelt. He issues a letter through his secretary George Cortelyou to the Secretary of State John Hay, and in that letter in 1901 he asks that, essentially, any documentation that's coming to the Executive Mansion to be change to the White House, just because it had various shades of white throughout the 19th century," Costello said.
The famous home has even played a role in modern times on the Hollywood screen and in television shows.
As for the White House cornerstone's location today? No one can locate it, despite efforts over the years, including the use of metal detectors and X-ray machines.
One theory is that it could have disintegrated over time. Another theory is that it eroded from intense heat when the British burned the White House in 1814. A third theory dates back tot he pomp and circumstance surrounding the cornerstone laying ceremony itself.
"And then there was a celebration afterwards, which I'm sure food and drink was enjoyed. Perhaps somebody snuck back to the site and made off with it. Who knows?" Costello said.
Regardless of the cornerstone's whereabouts, the home itself continues to serve as a beacon of hope today.
"The White House can be used as the lens for understanding the wider American story. And that it was a collection of people; white, black, free, enslaved, women, men, that really built this country and built the White House. So, when we talk about the White House as the people's house, we're talking about it as a symbol of Democracy," Costello added.
The White House Historical AssociationThe White House Historical Association was founded in 1961 at the request of former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy.
Mathew Costello, with the WHHA, said the nonprofit, non-partisan organizations works as a partner with the White House.
"Ever since 1961, we've been involved with conservation and preservation work, acquisitions, to add to the White House collection. Also a variety of different educational initiatives to teach and tell stories about the White House, the presidents, the first ladies and the people who worked at the White House," Costello said.
The White House is unique in that it is a piece of our nation's history while also serving as a working home for the president and his family.
"The funny thing about the White House is that it is historic. It is a historic site, but it's also a living history site. And as a result, because you have a current president and current head of state, head of an executive branch, living there, working there, so much time is dedicated to the person who lives there," Costello said.
The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800.
"There really isn't much of an outward, public facing effort to tell more about the history of the building itself, the people who live there, who work there. So, you need sort of this public private partnership to work with the National Park Service that is our government partner, and work as an independent entity outside the government to help fundraise, generate interest and support and to help educate future generations about the history of the White House, the people who've lived there, and some of the lessons we can take away from it as a symbol of democracy and freedom and what it means when we talk about the greater American story," Costello added.
To learn more about the White House Historical Association, click here.
Cancellations Start For John Clauser After Nobel Physics Laureate Speaks Out About "Corruption" Of Climate Science | ZeroHedge
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 12:53
Authored by Chris Morrison via the Daily Sceptic,
Earlier this month, the 2022 Nobel Physics Laureate Dr. John Clauser slammed the 'climate emergency' narrative as a ''dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world's economy and the well-being of billions of people''. Inevitably, the punishments have begun. A talk that Dr. Clauser was due to give to the International Monetary Fund on climate models has been abruptly cancelled, and the page announcing the event removed from the IMF site.
Dr. Clauser was due to speak to the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office this Thursday under the title: ''Let's talk '' How much can we trust IPCC climate predictions?'' It would appear that ''not a lot'' isn't the politically correct answer. Clauser is a longstanding critic of climate models and criticised the award of the Physics Nobel in 2021 for work on them. He is not alone, since many feel that climate models are primarily based on mathematics, and a history of failed opinionated climate predictions leave them undeserving of recognition at the highest level of pure science. Not that this opinion is shared by the green activist National Geographic magazine, which ran an article: ''How climate models got so accurate they won a Nobel.''
Last week, Clauser observed that misguided climate science has ''metastasised into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience''. This pseudoscience, he continued, has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other related ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmentalists. ''In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis,'' he added.
Clauser is the latest Nobel physics laureate to dismiss the notion of a climate crisis. Professor Ivar Giaever, a fellow laureate, is the lead signatory of the World Climate Declaration that states there is no climate emergency. It further argues that climate models are ''not remotely plausible as global policy tools''. The 1998 winner Professor Robert Laughlin has expressed the view that the climate is ''beyond our power to control'' and humanity cannot and should not do anything to respond to climate change.
The Australian climate journalist Jo Nova was in fine form reporting on Clauser's recent comments. ''The thing about sceptical Nobel Prize winners is that they make the name-calling 'climate denier' programme look as stupid as it can get,'' she observed. She noted the lack of any mainstream media interest in Clauser's recent comments, asking: ''How much damage would it do to the cause if the audience finds out that one of the highest ranking scientists in the world disagrees with the mantra?'' A question of course with an obvious answer. Quite a lot.
The same team that tells us that we must 'listen to the experts' won't listen to any experts they don't like. They rave about 'UN Experts' that hide the decline, but run a mile to avoid the giants of science. They'll ask high-school dropouts about climate change on prime-time TV before they interview Nobel Prize winners. It's a lie by omission. It's active deception. And the whole climate movement is built on it.
The IMF is heavily involved in international money flows and one can only hope it shows a greater willingness to 'evaluate' this subject matter than it does the predictions of climate models. Dr. Clauser secured his Nobel Prize for groundbreaking work in the field of quantum mechanics '' the study of matter and light at a sub-atomic and atomic level. In 2010 he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Physics, considered the second most prestigious physics award after the Nobel. In addition to this work, he has also made suggestions as to how to improve current climate models.
Attempts to model the chaotic and non-linear atmosphere suffer on many fronts. They fail to predict future temperatures with mostly laughably degrees of inaccuracy, and in the process do little more than guess the effect of natural forces such as volcanoes and clouds. In Clauser's view, climate models greatly underestimate the effect of the clouds that cover half the Earth and provide a powerful '' and dominant '' thermostatic control of global temperatures. More recently, Clauser also told the Korea Quantum Conference that he didn't believe there was a climate crisis, noting: ''Key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by approximately 200 times.''
The cynical might add that this degree of exaggerated inaccuracy might be fine in the land of economics, but more robust standards should be encouraged in the world of science.
Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor.
Tafari Campbell's drowning parallels tragic death of Clinton chef Walter Scheib
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 01:51
The tragic drowning death of former White House sous chef and the Obama family's personal chef Tafari Campbell over the weekend is sadly similar to the premature demise of another White House kitchen veteran.
Campbell's death comes just eight years after Walter Scheib, who served as the White House Executive Chef from 1994 to 2005, was found partially submerged in a ravine in the New Mexico mountains on June 21, 2015.
The 61-year-old Scheib was first reported missing by his girlfriend on June 14, one day after he failed to return from a hike near Taos Ski Valley.
Scheib died from drowning, an autopsy later revealed.
The Culinary Institute of America graduate was appointed White House Executive Chef in 1994, after then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was wowed by his pecan-crusted rack of lamb at a West Virginia resort, according to ABC.
Scheib eventually became known for refocusing the executive mansion's menu on American cuisine and seasonal ingredients.
Walter Scheib, 61, drowned in New Mexico in 2015. Tribune News Service via Getty ImagesHe remained in his position through President George W. Bush's first term in office. In 2005, he left to become a food consultant and speaker.
In 2006, he co-authored the cookbook ''White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen'' and appeared on the Food Network's ''Iron Chef America.''
After his death in 2015, the Clintons praised Scheib's ''delicious and creative'' meals, as well as how he ''used his immense talents not only to represent the very best of American cuisine to visiting leaders, but to make a difference in people's lives'' through non-profit work, ABC said at the time.
Scheib (left) pictured alongside then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. Getty Images Scheib (center) later co-wrote a cookbook based on his White House career. APFormer First Lady Laura Bush added that Scheib was ''an astounding talent.''
Like Scheib, Campbell, 45, a former White House sous chef, is believed to have drowned.
An unnamed witness saw him struggling in the water before submerging a final time while paddle boarding on Sunday evening.
The married father of two was later reported to have been wearing all black and did not have a life jacket.
His body was found at 10 a.m. Monday following an extensive search by sniffer dogs and aerial investigators.
Tafari Campbell was found drowned on Monday morning. WhiteHouse.govCampbell was a sous chef at the White House through part of Bush and all of Obama's tenure.
The former First Family then poached him as their personal chef when they left the White House in 2017.
''Tafari was a beloved part of our family,'' the Obamas said in a statement Monday.
Campbell's body was 100 feet from the Obamas' sprawling Martha's Vineyard estate.''When we first met him, he was a talented sous chef at the White House '-- creative and passionate about food, and its ability to bring people together. In the years that followed, we got to know him as a warm, fun, extraordinarily kind person who made all of our lives a little brighter.
''That's why, when we were getting ready to leave the White House, we asked Tafari to stay with us, and he generously agreed. He's been part of our lives ever since, and our hearts are broken that he's gone.
''Today we join everyone who knew and loved Tafari '-- especially his wife Sherise and their twin boys, Xavier and Savin '-- in grieving the loss of a truly wonderful man.''
Campbell was sous chef in the White House during Obama's two terms. WhiteHouse.govCampbell's wife, Sherise, also shared a heartbroken tribute to her husband on Instagram early Tuesday.
''My heart is broken. My life and our family's life is forever changed,'' she wrote.
''Please pray for me and our families as I deal with the loss of my husband.''
The Obama family was not home at the time of Campbell's drowning, officials said.
Image Hash List
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 20:27
Use the power of tech-for-good to prevent the upload and proliferation of known child sexual abuse imagery across your networks and platforms with the IWF Hash List. The IWF Hash List contains a special catalogue of codes, or hashes which is updated daily and manually verified by our expert analysts. Each hash is completely unique. It's a type of digital fingerprint, or label that identifies a picture of confirmed child sexual abuse. Each criminal image has its own individual hash.
Once an image has been hashed, it can be recognised quickly. Better still, our list of hashes can block thousands of criminal pictures from ever being uploaded to the internet in the first place.
By using our Hash List, tech companies can stop criminals from uploading, downloading, viewing, sharing or hosting known images and videos showing child sexual abuse.
In the battle to defend child victims of sexual abuse online, the development of our Hash List has been a game-changer.
Once our analysts have assessed an image or video as criminal, they give it a hash. That hash is loaded onto our Hash List. From there the list can be used by organisations who work with images or videos. As each hash refers to a fully assessed criminal image, that company is able to block the image from being uploaded to its network.
Today, our Hash List contains hundreds of thousands of hashes, or unique digital fingerprints and we add to it daily. We never forget that each one is an image of a real child being sexually abused; an online record of suffering and pain; the documentation of a crime scene and a place of terror for that child.
By using the Hash List, tech companies can protect customers, staff and users from accidentally stumbling on these criminal images. They can help stop perpetrators profiting from their horrific crimes. They can defend victims, the children in the pictures, from having a record of their abuse viewed, shared or traded again and again. They can protect their platform from hosting these images. They can do the right thing.
For more information about joining us and using our Hash List, take a look at IWF membership, submit a membership inquiry or get in touch with our team - email [email protected] or call +44 (0)1223 20 30 30.
Benefits of using the IWF Hash List for goodTech companies can protect employees and customers from accidently stumbling across known child sexual abuse imagery on their platforms.They can make sure staff welfare is prioritised, by shielding teams from having to view this distressing imagery.Every one of the images and videos on our Hash List have been viewed and verified by expert human eyes. Companies can be sure the pictures are criminal.IWF hashes cannot be reverse engineered back to the images. This means anyone handling this sensitive data is completely safe.Preventing criminal imagery of children from being uploaded onto networks in the first place helps stop the cycle of abuse. It's the right thing to do.Why should companies join our Hash List rollout?Sadly, if people can upload, download, view or host images and videos on a tech platform or service, then it could be abused by criminals. But, it's also true that the Hash List could be used to protect that service from inadvertently hosting child sexual abuse imagery.
The Hash List can work in a preventative way. It can stop the abuse of legitimate websites, services or platforms by child sexual abuse perpetrators. It makes networks safer for customers and employees. It protects victims of child sexual abuse from the trauma of having a record of their abuse circulated online. It gives them peace of mind.
How does it work?Every criminal image we assess is hashed by an experienced analyst. This covers the two formats we provide the List in: Microsoft's PhotoDNA; and a more traditional, MD5.
Licenced Members can download the list in two ways. Firstly, via our API, avoiding the need for additional, external hardware and making access to our list even more secure.
Secondly, we've teamed up with Microsoft so that companies can use PhotoDNA to access our Hash List, with a cloud-based automated system. We know it's impossible for most companies to manually scan every image and video that's uploaded onto their platforms. So, our Hash List does this in the background, without affecting the experience of users.
It means companies can compare anything from a single image or video, to the millions of images and videos uploaded through platforms daily. The Hash List can flag criminal images and videos already on systems and prevent new ones being uploaded.
Who we are IWWF
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 20:27
The Internet Watch Foundation is made up of a team of over 70 diverse people working in a variety of disciplines including our front-line analysts and image classification assessors who spend each and every working day assessing images and videos of children suffering sexual abuse. The team are led by our Senior Leadership Team under the executive management of Susie Hargreaves OBE, our CEO.
AccountabilityOur strategy and long-term objectives are overseen by our Board of Trustees. They're a group of professionally and personally diverse individuals who are leaders in their own right, bringing varied and relevant experiences to the IWF. We are accountable to the Charities Commission and Companies House and submit the requisite documents to them as required. Our staff are supported by comprehensive and wide-ranging welfare structures and are subject to enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checks (formerly called Criminal Records Bureau checks) before their appointment.
Our StatusWe are an independent, non-profit charitable organisation working in partnership with a range of other organisations from the private, public and NGO sectors.
We were set up in 1996 by the internet industry to provide an internet Hotline for the public and IT professionals to report potentially criminal online content within our remit and to be the 'notice and takedown' body for this content. Our Code of Practice details our role in these takedown procedures. Once informed, the host or internet service provider (ISP) is duty-bound under the E-Commerce Regulations (Liability of intermediary service providers) to quickly remove or disable access to the criminal content. See more on our history here.
Partnership ApproachWe work in partnership with the internet and tech industries, global law enforcement, governments, the education sector, charities and non-profits across the world and the public to minimise, disrupt and stop the availability of child sexual abuse images and videos hosted anywhere in the world, and non-photographic child sexual abuse images hosted in the UK.
How we are fundedWe are funded by the generosity of private donors and our Member companies from the online and tech industries, including internet service providers (ISPs), mobile operators, content providers, hosting providers, filtering companies, search providers, educational establishments, trade associations and the financial sector. We work together to ensure their networks are a hostile environment for hosting known child sexual abuse images and videos and to protect internet users from accidental exposure to this content.
Sharing Good PracticeWe are recognised as a national and international model of partnership working and are committed to sharing good practice with relevant agencies, authorities and governments around the world.
After the Podcast Gold Rush, Is Audio Too Corporate to Be Cool? | Vanity Fair
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 20:11
Back in 2005, podcast was the New Oxford American Dictionary's word of the year. That June, pacing in his signature black turtleneck, Steve Jobs presented podcasts as an integral part of Apple's future. ''What is podcasting?'' he asked. ''[One way] it's been described is Wayne's World for radio, which means that anyone, without much capital investment, can make a podcast, put it on a server, and get a worldwide audience for their radio show.'' Jobs declared that it was ''the hottest thing going in radio.''
Nearly two decades later, a great deal of podcast strategies have still hinged on the idea that anyone can make a podcast. Though, to streamers, that's often meant investing in people who already had worldwide audiences but minimal familiarity with the medium. There was a not-too-distant time when every celebrity, their mother, and a former president wanted a podcast, and signed multimillion-dollar deals to do it. But now, although listenership is consistently up year-over-year, and podcasts are still projected as a billion-dollar industry, the once new media darling seems to have lost its cultural cachet. I would know, I'm one of many people who followed the podcast gold rush west. Shortly after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's blockbuster Oprah interview, I moved to Los Angeles to work as their head of audio. Skip ahead a couple years: Deals have dissolved, priorities have pivoted, shows have been killed, studios have shuttered, hundreds of people have been laid off, and the word podcast itself leaves some of us cringing.
Davy Gardner enjoys aspects of Jobs's definition of podcasts. ''It does remind folks that podcasting is specifically something that many people can do and many people have access to doing,'' says Gardner, the head of Tribeca Audio. But when the Tribeca Festival partnered with Audible to include podcasts two years ago, they labeled the category ''audio storytelling,'' which Gardner says better encompasses ''a whole lineage that approached it, like a piece of music or a script, or something that is a sculpture, in a way'--a true art form.'' Gardner thinks when people use the word podcast, they're imagining unedited chat shows like The Joe Rogan Experience. ''It's like if people used the word television and their only thought was The View.''
These days, Sam Sanders also can't quite pin down where his brand fits. ''I've been in this existential place with titles,'' the former political reporter turned podcast host tells me. ''I'm not always just doing journalism anymore. I'm doing a lot of personal exposition about my life. I kind of see myself now as 'I talk for a living.'''
I first heard Sanders's voice on The NPR Politics Podcast, during the 2016 election. ''Hey y'all!'' he'd begin every episode, over upbeat patriotic theme music, bringing his Texas lilt to the stiff news coverage. Now, he hosts two podcasts, Vulture's Into It, where he explores how to find meaning in pop culture; and the Stitcher weekly chat show Vibe Check, which he cohosts with two other Black queer creatives (an anomaly in the overwhelmingly white male podcast space). ''If I feel good about what I'm making,'' he tells me over dirty martinis, ''I don't care what you call it.''
Even so, Sanders knows what I mean when I say podcasting has lost its patina. ''On the one hand, when I think of the podcasts I love, I have only warm feelings for them.'' But when he thinks of podcasting as a term, he thinks it is ''almost pejorative.''
To Sanders, perhaps podcasts have less of an image problem and more of a management problem. ''This is where the conversation around podcasting has gotten effed up,'' he says. ''The conversation is all about what the people in charge of podcasting want and not enough about what listeners want.'' He echoes a sentiment I have heard many podcast professionals share: ''What none of us liked watching over the last several years was that it felt like the people who were getting the most power and money to make this stuff seemed to care the least about the craft.''
Drive down Melrose Avenue past the Paramount Pictures lot on any given weekday, and you'll see that this cheapening of craft is not unique to the podcast sector. Hoards of picketing writers and actors across Hollywood share this strain. ''We've lost an actual sensitivity to the fact that all of us involved in the making, and in the listening, are humans. Actual humans, with actual needs and wants,'' he says. Sanders, whose main beat is dissecting our moment through a cultural lens, punctuated this point, looking me in the eyes across our shared booth. ''It's a privilege that I get to be a part of people's lives. I don't want to look at this work as just a business. It's a service and a privilege. People listen to me, and take me with them in the most intimate parts of their day. What an honor.''
Like Sanders, my path into podcasts has its roots in public radio. And like many people who found a love for podcasts, the legendary host Ira Glass was responsible for my audio awakening. Glass's voice is its own iconic brand. Close your eyes and you can probably hear it in your head: even-keeled, a bit nasally, equal parts measured and fluid, ''From WBEZ Chicago, it's This American Life. I'm Ira Glass.''
Yet Glass winces at his own name. ''At some point I just have to acknowledge, I guess that's my name. And in the same way, the name of our show, This American Life, I've never been crazy about,'' he says. ''But when you do something for a couple of decades, then it just becomes your name. It sticks, you know?''
Stanford Study: Leftist Twitter Alternative Mastodon Has a Major Child Pornography Problem
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:48
A recent study by Stanford's Internet Observatory has unveiled a disturbing prevalence of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), otherwise known as child pornography, on Mastodon. The decentralized social media platform has been a popular destination for leftists fleeing from Twitter since Elon Musk purchased the platform.
The Verge reports that social network Mastodon has an alarmingly high frequency of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), according to a recent analysis by Stanford's Internet Observatory. The platform, often touted as a viable alternative to Twitter, has been found to harbor a significant amount of child pornography, raising concerns about its moderation policies.
Elon Musk's Halloween costume (Taylor Hill /Getty)
In a two-day research period, the team discovered 112 instances of known child pornography across 325,000 posts on Mastodon. Alarmingly, the first instance of such material was identified within just five minutes of the investigation. ''We got more photoDNA hits in a two-day period than we've probably had in the entire history of our organization of doing any kind of social media analysis, and it's not even close,'' said David Thiel, one of the report's researchers.
The researchers employed Google's SafeSearch API and PhotoDNA, a tool designed to identify explicit images, to conduct their investigation. Their search yielded 554 pieces of content that matched hashtags or keywords frequently used by child sexual abuse groups online. All of these were identified as explicit in the ''highest confidence'' by Google SafeSearch.
The study also revealed 713 uses of the top 20 CSAM-related hashtags across the Fediverse on posts that contained media. Additionally, there were 1,217 text-only posts that pointed to ''off-site CSAM trading or grooming of minors.'' The researchers noted that the open posting of CSAM is ''disturbingly prevalent.''
The decentralized nature of Mastodon, which is part of its appeal to many users, also presents a unique challenge when it comes to moderation. Unlike mainstream sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit, each decentralized instance on Mastodon has control over its own moderation. This can lead to inconsistency across the Fediverse, which is a network of decentralized social media platforms.
In light of these findings, the researchers have suggested that networks like Mastodon employ more robust tools for moderators. They also recommend the integration of PhotoDNA and CyberTipline reporting to help combat the spread of child pornography.
Read more at the Verge here.
Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan
Lancet Study on COVID Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine '' Study Is Removed Within 24 Hours - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:46
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A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine '' but the study was removed within 24 hours.
The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.
However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: ''This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.'' While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of ''screening criteria''.
The original study abstract can be found in the Internet Archive. It reads (with my emphasis added):
Background: The rapid development and widespread deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.
Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.
Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%) and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.
Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
The full study does not appear to have been saved in the Internet Archive, but can be read here.
Without further detail from the Preprints with the Lancet staff who removed the paper it is hard to know what substance the claim that the conclusions are not supported by the methodology really has. A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line. Keep in mind that the CDC has not yet acknowledged a single death being caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines. Autopsy evidence demonstrating otherwise is clearly not what the U.S. public health establishment wants to hear.
Dr. Clare Craig, a pathologist and co-Chair of the HART pandemic advisory group, says that in her view the approach taken in the study is sound. She told the Daily Sceptic:
The VAERS system [of vaccine adverse event reporting] is designed to alert to potential harms without necessarily being the best way of measuring the extent of those harms.
Quantifying the impact of deaths can be done by looking at overall mortality rates in a country.
However, this is imperfect as a deficit of deaths would be expected after a period of excess deaths, making the accuracy of any baseline dubious.
An alternative approach of auditing such deaths through autopsy is sound.
There may be a bias [in the study] towards reporting the autopsies of deaths where there was evidence of causation and the likelihood of causation might be exaggerated by that bias. For example, 19 of the 325 deaths were due to vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) but these reports may be overrepresented because of the regulators' willingness to acknowledge such deaths.
Nevertheless, it is important that attempts are made to quantify the risk of harm and censorship of these attempts, rather than open scientific critique, does nothing to help reassure people.
Dr. Harvey Risch, one of the study's authors, told the Daily Sceptic he deems it ''pure Government-directed censorship, even after the Missouri v. Biden injunction''.
''Meanwhile, my colleagues are studying what they call 'Long Vax', which is vaccine-caused damage. But of course that is a rare, rare, rare outcome, except that they seem not to be having any problem finding such individuals to enroll in their study,'' he added.
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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity by Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project ''destroys people's lives''. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the ''pandemic'' '-- from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.
''My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the ''deadly'' COVID-19 ''vaccine''. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.''
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, PDF Ebook, Pages: 164, 15 Chapters
Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.
We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research's DonorBox ''Worldwide Corona Crisis'' Campaign Page.
'Ice-cream so good': how are TikTok creators making money from bizarre gestures and phrases on a loop? | TikTok | The Guardian
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:40
R afqa, I tend not to overthink TikTok trends too much. Really I'm just scrolling to watch food videos. But I saw a video of a girl acting like a video game character in a loop, and the absurdity got me curious. What on earth are TikTok users doing?
I'm not surprised this one sucked you in. So, creators are streaming to their followers on the app in real time, pretending to be NPCs '' that is non-player video game characters '' and their followers are controlling what they say and do, and paying for the privilege.
It sounds odd. But just imagine playing around with a two-dimensional character in a video game '' but that character is a human livestreaming to TikTok.
Wait, what is an NPC?
You know when you play a video game and there's the character that you control? Well, and NPC are the other characters in the games that aren't being played by a human '' the ones that can only repeat phrases and movements from a preprogrammed set of options. Think like in a game where you stumble across a shopkeeper you can interact with, but they've only got a very limited set of interactions available.
But creators aren't acting as specific well-known NPCs from popular games (like TikTok cosplayers sometimes do) '' they are just embodying the character type, responding to their audiences with repetitive movements, facial expressions and dialogue.
How exactly are followers controlling what they say and do?
If you hop into one of these live streams, you'll hear the same few catchphrases and gestures repeated in a nonstop loop. The order they appear in is chosen by viewers who purchase cartoon gift tokens '' like roses '' with real-life money and send them in the live comment section.
Different gift tokens prompt a specific gesture or line of dialogue '' so viewers become like video game players controlling the NPCs.
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Are people just watching because it is bizarre? Or is there more to it?
There's always more to it.
The repetition of NPC streaming is oddly entrancing (which is why I'm not surprised it sucked you in). One creator sits fully clothed and wearing a sombrero in a bathtub, splashing water and greeting viewers in a robotic loop. Another adds a children's sticker to her face for every gift that is sent.
But when you realise the nonsensical, cartoonish content is paid for by faceless viewers, it can feel a bit eerie.
Pinkydoll is a character by creator Fedha Sinon who has become the face of the trend. She does a series of odd things in response to her viewers' ''gifts''. Famously, she repeats ''ice-cream so good'' in a robotic tone, with her tongue out, licking a pretend-cone, when sent an ice-cream token. And when her viewers send a rose token, they are greeted with Pinkydoll's ''yes, yes, yes''.
It's all a bit disorienting.
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OK, so people use emoji gifts '' money '' to control their performance. Sounds a bit '... fetish-y?
There is nothing overtly sexual about the content, but yes.
The New York Times reports of Pinkydoll speaking in a ''sexy baby'' singsong voice, with some viewers perceiving ''something sexual about being able to control her every word and gesture''. And like other trending NPC streamers, Pinkydoll also has OnlyFans accounts with explicit content. An expert in internet culture told the Guardian it is ''repackaging intimacy through the filter of gamer language''.
Whether it is made to be sexual content, or some viewers just consume it that way, there is no dispute as to whether these videos belong in the uncanny valley. But Pinkydoll doesn't seem to care how people perceive it.
''At the end of the day, I'm winning,'' she told the New York Times.
And why is she winning? What's in it for the content creator?
$7,000 on a good day.
TikTok's gift system works like this: users buy virtual coins with real-life money. They use those coins to buy gift tokens (those roses and ice-creams), which they send in the live stream to ''control'' the creator (we've already been through this).
Creators can claim those gifts for real-life money by converting them into gift coins, then virtual diamonds, then cash. Each individual gift can range from being worth a cent to a few dollars.
Pinkydoll reportedly makes up to $3,000 a stream, and has made $7,000 in a day. Perhaps it's time to consider an NPC side hustle?
Five latest advancements in Tourette's syndrome research
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:38
Named after French neurologist Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described the disorder in 1885, Tourette's syndrome is estimated to affect one in 10 to 1000 people worldwide. A neurological condition, the disorder causes involuntary movements and sounds, commonly known as tics.
Although its exact cause isn't known, research points to a link between the effect of the dysregulation of brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin and Tourette's syndrome.
Despite it being regarded as a genetic condition, Tourette's syndrome is influenced by environmental factors '' like low birth weight and pregnancy complications '' as well.
While current treatments include medication that blocks dopamine, and behavioral therapy like habit reversal therapy (HRT) '' where children and teens are trained to monitor their tics, and become aware of and overcome the urge to tic '' there is a need for wider therapeutic approaches. As we observe Tourette's Awareness Month from May 15 to June 15, let us take a look at some recent advancements in Tourette's syndrome research.
Tourette's can only be diagnosed '' once other conditions are ruled out through scans like MRIs '' if you've had several tics for a year. But now, a potentially transformative diagnosis tool could be able to diagnose the disease in a day.
A study, which was led by Kevin Black, a professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in the U.S., documented the occurrence of tics in 78 children for 1000 minutes over two sessions '' a year apart from each other. Black then sought out the expertise of Rajan Chakrabarty, an aerosol scientist who specializes in the study of chaos and patterns in complex environmental systems. Based on the understanding that chaos is not random '' and in fact, it could even follow a pattern '' the timing of Tourette's tics was measured using a means to quantify chaos, called fractal dimension.
According to Black's data from the study, although the data gathered seemed like it was part of a chaotic system, tic data strayed from the chaotic system, through which the fractal dimension value was calculated. The figures were validated when they observed that when the tic score went up, the fractal dimension had fallen, making the two factors inversely related to each other.
Yet to be investigated further, this could prove constructive for a doctor who will be able to measure the duration of the tics in a patient who might even be visiting for the first time, and determine Tourette's as the cause of it. As a result, treatment measures could be implemented sooner, not only for patients who will be diagnosed with Tourette's, but also for others who will be able to eliminate the cause of their tics as stemming from Tourette's.
Wrist device brings down tic severitySome people who have been diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome experience moderate to severe tics. In the U.S., that's about 44% of the total reported cases. To curtail the severity, a recent clinical trial has found that a device designed to aid in managing Tourette's symptoms reduces the frequency of tics.
The device Neupulse, which has gained popularity after Scottish singer-songwriter Lewis Capaldi tested it out before a gig, was created by Neurotherapeutics Ltd, a U.K.-based company that targets neurological disorders, and is a spin-out of University of Nottingham.
The participants of the research had to wear the device at home at the same time every day for 15 minutes, for the duration of a month. By delivering electrical pulses in order to lower the number of tics, the electric band was successful in bringing about a reduction in tic severity by 35%, and 59% out of 121 participants saw their tics brought down by at least 25% compared to baseline.
The mechanism of Neupulse is based on an earlier study that investigated the effect of repetitive trains of electrical stimulation to the median nerve '' which helps in the movement of the forearm, wrist, hand and fingers '' to elicit rhythmic electrical activity in the brain. It was discovered that this decreased tic frequency and intensity, and even put an end to the urge-to-tic for people with Tourette's.
With the success of the prototype, the company is looking to develop the product for it to be made commercially available to people with Tourette's syndrome.
New drug sees promising outcome in phase 2b trials for Tourette's syndromeAn investigational drug candidate has proven its efficacy for the treatment of Tourette's syndrome in a research conducted by the U.S.-based Emalex Biosciences.
Results of the trial which were published in the journal Pediatrics demonstrated that the candidate ecopipam was able to significantly bring down the tic score '' a 30% reduction from baseline '' in participants after 12 weeks. The randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2b trial enrolled subjects aged between six and 18 with a baseline Yale Global Tic Severity Score (YGTSS) '' a commonly used tool to quantify the severity of tic symptoms '' of or more than 20 (total tic score).
As the super-sensitivity of one of the receptors of dopamine '' a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS) '' D1 may be associated with Tourette's, ecopipam works by blocking dopamine at D1 in order to target symptoms.
While participants did not experience adverse effects to ecopipam, the most frequent ones were headache, insomnia, fatigue and somnolence '' a state of drowsiness associated with sleeping disorders.
To advance in phase 3 clinical trials, as well as for the potential commercialization of the drug candidate, the company secured $250 million in a series D funding round last year.
Closed-loop deep brain stimulation shows encouraging results as Tourette's therapyDeep brain stimulation (DBS) has paved the way for transformative treatment approaches for Parkinson's disease. Moreover, the therapy has been picking up speed as a measure to treat Tourette's syndrome. And a recent trial suggests that closed-loop deep brain stimulation might be effective in tackling the disease.
The study carried out by neuroscientists at the University of Florida in the U.S. demonstrated a reduction of at least 40% in the YGTSS score at six months after receiving the treatment. The trial observed four participants with Tourette's syndrome above the age of 21.
DBS involves the implantation of electrodes in certain regions of the brain where electrical impulses are produced and then regulated '' by a pacemaker-like device '' to modulate communication in the brain. But unlike the traditional method, closed-loop DBS benefits from delivering impulses according to when symptoms are present, thus cutting down on the amount of energy required, and as a result, could potentially minimize side effects.
As the trial proved the therapy's efficacy, it was also deemed safe and feasible, although participants faced side effects like headaches and anxiety.
New cannabinoid-based drug to begin clinical trials soonThe Israeli-based biopharma Scisparc Ltd. has successfully completed the production of its drug candidate SCI-110 and will soon begin clinical trials for the treatment of Tourette's syndrome, as of March 2023.
SCI-110 contains dronabinol '' a synthetic form of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) '' which was approved by the FDA to treat HIV/AIDs-induced anorexia and side effects to chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting, nearly three decades ago. Now, growing research suggests that the compound could even target tic symptoms in Tourette's patients.
The drug candidate applies a mechanism where it stimulates the cannabinoid receptors in the CNS to improve the uptake of THC into the system. The therapy is set at a low dosage, implying lesser side effects upon ingestion.
The upcoming phase 2b randomized, placebo-controlled study will examine the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the candidate for daily dosage in participants aged between 18 and 65. Assessing the tic severity change according to YGTSS at week 12 and 26, the company will also measure any adverse reactions to the drug.
Looking ahead, the company will work with the FDA for a regulatory pathway to expedite potential commercialization.
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Biden elevates CIA director to Cabinet, a symbolic nod to central role | CNN Politics
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:32
CNN '--
President Joe Biden is elevating CIA Director Bill Burns to his Cabinet, a symbolic measure that nonetheless represents the major role he has played in national security amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
''Under his leadership, the CIA is delivering a clear-eyed, long-term approach to our nation's top national security challenges '' from tackling Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine, to managing responsible competition with the People's Republic of China, to addressing the opportunities and risks of emerging technology,'' Biden wrote in a statement.
''Bill has always given me clear, straightforward analysis that prioritizes the safety and security of the American people, reflecting the integral role the CIA plays in our national security decision-making at this critical time,'' he said.
The CIA has been central in the administration's strategy toward Russia during the invasion of Ukraine, including downgrading and releasing intelligence surrounding the invasion in the leadup to the conflict last year.
Burns has traveled to Ukraine and Moscow, along with other nations, as part of the administration's approach to the war.
The role of CIA director has been in and out of presidential cabinets over the past several years. Former President Donald Trump's CIA directors '' Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel '' were Cabinet-level posts, but Biden chose not to include the post in his Cabinet when taking office.
''The President's announcement today recognizes the essential contributions to national security the Central Intelligence Agency makes every day, and reflects his confidence in our work,'' Burns said in a statement. ''I am honored to serve in this role, representing the tremendous work of our intelligence officers. It is also an honor to serve alongside our exceptional intelligence community colleagues, under the leadership of DNI Avril Haines.''
Retail health company has Chase accounts suddenly terminated, owner critical of COVID vaccines, FDA
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:22
Editor's note: This story was updated to include a response from Chase.
Lydia Nusbaum co-authored this report.
CAPE CORAL, Fla. (FLV) '' Employees of a Florida-based retail health company said JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly terminated their personal and company bank accounts without an explanation.
One of the employees believes the account shutdowns were politically motivated and due to their employer's controversial stance on COVID-19.
Another employee said the sudden decision to close her account is creating additional hurdles to help send money to her husband who is bedridden with dementia in the Philippines.
The owner of Mercola Market, Dr. Joseph Mercola, has criticized of COVID-19 vaccines and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Mercola Market sells specialty beverages, food, supplements and other health items. A store is located in Cape Coral.
On July 13, Mercola Market, along with the CEO, CFO and some of their family members, all received similar letters from Chase Bank saying ''[they] have decided to close'' their individual personal and business accounts.
The letters obtained by Florida's Voice did not provide a reason why the accounts were suddenly closed. Florida's Voice reached out to Chase Bank for a response.
A voicemail from a Chase representative to CEO Steven Rye said the reason for closing his personal and wife's accounts can't be disclosed ''for legal reasons.''
However, Rye believes his the accounts were suddenly shut down because of Dr. Joseph Mercola's opinions on COVID-19.
''I believe they cancelled all of the accounts because of Dr. Mercola's (our employer) opinions,'' Rye told Florida's Voice. ''He has carried a contradictory view throughout the COVID narrative and co-authored the best selling book The Truth About COVID-19 which exposed the likelihood that this virus was engineered in a laboratory funded by the NIH.''
Responding to the report, Chase told Florida's Voice that the accounts weren't closed for political ''affiliations.''
''For privacy reasons, we can't discuss customer relationships, but we don't close accounts because of political affiliations, and we didn't do so in this case,'' they said.
Rye said he was told his children would not be able to carry accounts with Chase Bank in the future.
''It's just hard to believe that your family, your wife, your kids can't have a bank account because of the opinions of your employer and they've never done anything wrong,'' Rye said. ''We all have completely clear records.''
A voicemail from a Chase Bank representative urged Rye to submit paperwork for their accounts to be reconsidered.
''We are going to try because you're a good client of our institution,'' the Chase representative said in a voicemail.
In an email from Chase to Rye Monday, a representative said he is ''still trying to figure out what is going on.''
Amalia Legaspi, the CFO of Mercola Market, said both her personal and her son's personal accounts were canceled. Her son is using the accounts to pay for college expenses.
''I received the letter during weekend and I was surprised that we received the same letters for business accounts with exact wordings,'' Legaspi said.
Legaspi's joint checking account with her husband, who has dementia and is bedridden in the Philippines, was also closed. She uses the account to send money for his medical needs and said she is not allowed to open another bank account in his name.
''I have to provide all the legal documentations including notarized physicians affidavit from the Philippines to prove that my husband is incapable of handling his finances and request the Federal to directly deposit the pension to my own personal account,'' Legaspi said.
With regards to the company's accounts, she said Chase will not give them a reason for the closure to protect the privacy of their clients.
Dr. Mercola said he published articles about the benefits of vitamin D, zinc and quercetin to boost the immune system. He also published testimony from a nurse who claimed patients were being ''intentionally killed on ventilators.''
The FDA also sent a letter to Dr. Mercola telling him to take ''immediate action'' to address ''violations'' in the letter regarding supplement products the doctor said would aid in COVID-19, calling them ''unapproved new drugs'' that are ''misbranded.''
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation in May to prohibit financial institutions from denying or canceling services based on political or religious beliefs.
Methods '' World Weather Attribution
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 17:52
The method used to conduct an attribution study consists of eight steps, described here . The first step is the selection of an extreme event to study.
After selecting an extreme weather event to study, the first step is to define the event, which provides a framework for the study.
Researchers determine the geographical boundaries of the most impacted area, the best index to quantify the meteorological extreme (eg. maximum temperature, average rainfall, etc), and the duration of the event.
For example, for a study on a heatwave that impacted South Western Europe and Northern Africa , World Weather Attribution researchers focused on the daily maximum land surface temperature averaged over a three-day period from 26-28 April 2023, in a region that included Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Algeria.
While the April 2023 heatwave impacted large areas of Europe and Northern Africa, the geographic boundary of the WWA study was determined by the regions experiencing the most extreme heat, which included parts of Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Algeria. By analysing observed real-word weather data, collected from weather stations in the study region, researchers can find out how unlikely the extreme weather event is (the return period) and identify any trends in the intensity of similar events.
Further analysis can then determine how frequently weather events of a similar intensity would have been expected to occur before humans started burning fossil fuels in the late 1800s, which means the researchers can calculate the difference in the probability of an event occurring in the late 1800s, compared to the probability of an event occurring today.
The second part of the study uses computer modelling to try to isolate the role of human-induced climate change in the event.
Researchers use modelling that simulates the likelihood and intensity of the weather event in two 'worlds': today's world with 1.2ÂșC of human induced global warming, and a hypothetical world without human-caused climate change. Researchers then compare the results to find out if climate change made the event more or less likely and intense.
A wide range of quality checks are completed throughout the study, including checking the models to ensure they adequately depict the weather in the area being studied, which includes key seasonal and spatial patterns.
Finally, the results from the real-world data and models results are combined to provide an overarching statement about how climate change influenced the intensity and likelihood of the weather event.
This video breaks down each step of our recent study on the late April heatwave that impacted Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and Algeria, highlighting how much hotter and more likely climate change made the event.
While the April 2023 heatwave impacted large areas of Europe and Northern Africa, the geographic boundary of the WWA study was determined by the regions experiencing the most extreme heat, which included parts of Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Algeria.
Occasionally, there are methodological challenges which means that quantitative results can not be provided in the findings of a WWA study. These challenges include the availability of reliable observations of the weather and the suitability of models to replicate the event being studied.
If a study does not have a conclusive result because of these challenges, that does not necessarily mean that climate change played no role in the weather event.
For more further information, see Pathways and pitfalls in extreme event attribution and A protocol for probabilistic extreme event attribution analyses .
FAQs '' World Weather Attribution
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 17:51
Who is World Weather Attribution (WWA)?
The WWA initiative was formed in 2015 by Dr Geert Jan van Oldenborgh and Dr Friederike Otto.
Today, the core WWA team is formed by researchers from several institutions, including the Grantham Institute '' Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London , The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute , the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement , and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre .
The core team also works with climate scientists and other experts in the country on which the study is being conducted, providing critical knowledge and insights on weather, databases, modelling and impacts.
Why are WWA studies performed rapidly?
Following an extreme weather event, people often ask: is climate change to blame?
Rapid attribution studies are carried out to give a robust, scientific answer to this question.
The results are published days or weeks after the event to inform discussions about climate change, mitigation and adaptation, while the impacts of the extreme weather event are still fresh in the minds of the public and policymakers, and decisions about rebuilding are being made .
How does WWA select extreme weather events to study?
WWA regularly monitors extreme weather events around the world. A range of criteria are used to decide if an attribution study should be carried out on a particular event.
The criteria includes how many people are affected, how much damage has been caused and the declaration of a state of emergency or disaster.
A core team of WWA researchers meets once a week to discuss events that meet the criteria and decides if they can conduct a study on each event.
The decision is based on the capacity of WWA researchers, the availability of local researchers who can contribute to the study, the availability of adequate data and whether a WWA study has been conducted in the country before.
What do WWA studies find out?
Each WWA study tries to answer three key questions:
How did climate change influence the intensity of the event? How did climate change influence the likelihood of the event occurring? How did pre-existing vulnerability worsen the impacts of the event? The answers very much depend on the type of the event and the region in the world it occurs. In 2022 the team published a review paper describing what general lessons have been learned from conducting these studies.
A summary of these findings is published as a guide to journalists in 12 languages.
Why do WWA studies look at vulnerability and exposure?
Vulnerability worsens the impacts of extreme weather events. It is often what turns an extreme weather event into a disaster.
For example, bad water management can increase the severity of a drought, faulty warning systems can slow evacuations in storms, homes built on low-lying land can be destroyed by floods, and a lack of green space in cities can further increase temperatures during a heatwave.
Exposure refers to the people and assets, such as farmland and buildings, in an area affected by an extreme weather event.
WWA studies explore vulnerability and exposure in communities and countries to understand what actions may increase resilience to future extreme weather events.
Are rapid WWA studies peer-reviewed?
While rapid attribution studies are published before peer review in order to release the results soon after events have taken place, many WWA studies are subsequently published in peer-reviewed journals.
Scientific studies on extreme weather events, going through peer-review, are usually published months or even years after an event occurred, when the public has moved on and questions about responsibilities, rebuilding or relocating have been debated without taking scientific evidence on the influence of climate change into account.
WWA's rapid attribution studies follow established methods, which have been peer-reviewed and assessed as scientifically reliable.
All WWA studies that have undergone peer-review have remained largely unchanged. Some examples include the 2016 floods in France , the 2017 study on Storm Desmond , the 2021 Madagascar drought and the 2022 Pakistan floods .
Where a WWA study has been peer-reviewed, a link to the academic paper is given in the sidebar of the analysis web page.
Are all extreme weather events made more likely and more intense by climate change?
While climate change is worsening many extreme weather events around the world, WWA studies occasionally find that climate change did not increase the likelihood and intensity of an event.
These findings are important '' they highlight places where disaster risk reduction measures should be improved to increase resilience to extreme weather, regardless of climate change.
How much climate change influences a certain event very much depends on the type of the event and the region in the world where it occurs. In 2022 the team published a review paper describing what general lessons have been learned from conducting these studies. A summary of these findings is published as a guide to journalists , available in 12 languages.
What can we say about an extreme weather event in the absence of an attribution study?
Attribution studies can't be carried out for every extreme weather event, but thanks to other attribution studies and climate projections, scientists have a good understanding of the changes to different extreme weather events as our climate warms.
For example, we know that every heatwave in the world is now made stronger and more likely to happen because of human-caused climate change.
For a more comprehensive overview of these changes, including changes to drought and storms, read our reporting extreme weather and climate change guide for journalists.
Is attribution science new?
While the WWA has pioneered rapid attribution methods and applying them to extreme weather events, attribution science has been around for some time.
Since the 1990s, understanding and quantifying the influence of human-induced climate change on global mean temperature has been an important goal of the climate science community. For reaching this goal in the early 1990s the climate scientist Klaus Hasselmann was awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 2021.
In 2004, Stott et al., published a paper in Nature showing that climate change had at least doubled the risk of the record-breaking 2003 European summer heatwave that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people. It was the first peer-reviewed published attribution study of an extreme weather event.
Since 2012, attribution studies of extreme events have been performed for different weather events all over the world by researchers from many different countries.
A database of the results of attribution studies that have been conducted on extreme events worldwide '-- more than 400 to date '-- is published at Carbon Brief .
Leon Black accused of raping teenager at Jeffrey Epstein townhouse
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:55
Leon Black, Chairman, CEO and Director, Apollo Global Management, LLC, speaks at the Milken Institute's 21st Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, May 1, 2018.
Lucy Nicholson | Reuters
A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday accused Leon Black, the billionaire co-founder of Apollo Global Management, of raping a then-16-year-old girl with autism in 2002 at the Manhattan townhouse of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.
The lawsuit alleges the unidentified plaintiff had been trafficked to Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, who in late 2021 was convicted of procuring underage girls for Epstein. The plaintiff, who is now in her late 30s, is described in the legal complaint as being born with mosaic Down syndrome and having a "developmental age" around 12 years old.
An attorney for Black denied the allegations and accused Wigdor LLP, the law firm behind the lawsuit, of pursuing a "vendetta" against the private equity investor through multiple cases '-- one of which was dismissed in May.
The latest civil lawsuit against Black was filed days after The New York Times reported that he had agreed in January to pay $62.5 million to the U.S. Virgin Islands to settle any potential claims from the territory's investigation of Epstein.
Earlier Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee unveiled details of its yearlong investigation into Black's ties to Epstein, including $158 million Black allegedly paid him for tax and estate planning services.
"Today, because of legislative initiatives in NYS granting sexual violence victims the right to file claims previously barred by the statute of limitations, we were able to commence a legal action against Leon Black for harms committed years ago against our client Jane Doe when she was a minor," Wigdor partner Jeanne Christensen said in a statement.
"This is significant for our client and for all sexual assault survivors. It is an honor to represent Jane Doe and we look forward to proceeding to discovery and trial on Jane Doe's claims," Christensen said.
Susan Estrich, an attorney for Black, in a statement called Tuesday's lawsuit "frivolous and sanctionable."
Estrich said Black has never met the plaintiff, who is referred to as Jane Doe in the legal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in lower Manhattan.
"These vicious and defamatory lies, masquerading as allegations, have been intentionally manufactured by the Wigdor law firm as part of the firm's vendetta against Mr. Black for vigorously and successfully defending himself over the past two years," Estrich said.
"Wigdor's prior case against Mr. Black was recently thrown out by the Court and this one will be too. These allegations '-- about an incident that supposedly took place 20 years ago '-- are totally made up, entirely uncorroborated and, as pleaded, squarely violate the statute of limitations."
"This sham proceeding will be promptly dismissed and will provide further ammunition for Mr. Black's pending sanctions motion against the Wigdor firm," the lawyer said.
That motion for sanctions was filed in December in New York Supreme Court in another case brought by Cheri Pierson, whose lawsuit accused Black of raping her in Epstein's Manhattan mansion in 2002. Pierson is described as a struggling single mother who had agreed to give Black a massage in a meeting arranged by Epstein.
Black's request to sanction Wigdor argued that the law firm has "repeatedly abused the court system to launder frivolous, unsubstantiated, and damaging accusations of sexual assault against Black across two lawsuits."
The bid for sanctions also references Guzel Ganieva, who was represented by Wigdor in a 2021 lawsuit accusing Black of sexual assault and defamation was dismissed in May. Ganieva reportedly fired Wigdor as her representative in March.
SpaceX Dragon spacecraft had a glitch at International Space Station | Space
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:52
HomeNewsSpaceflight A SpaceX Crew Dragon docked with the International Space Station. (Image credit: NASA)A SpaceX cargo spacecraft had a glitch in space during its last mission.
A SpaceX Dragon docked with the International Space Station for 23 days in June had a thruster valve stuck open due to a corrosion problem, a SpaceX official said Tuesday (July 25) during a NASA press conference.
"It didn't impact the mission at all," Benji Reed, senior director of SpaceX's human spaceflight program, said in the livestreamed opportunity. Since SpaceX's spacecraft are similar enough between the cargo and Crew Dragon versions, however, engineers are looking at all spacecraft in production to address the issue.
So far this situation will have no impact on the launch date for the next astronaut mission, known as Crew-7. Crew-7 will launch with NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Satoshi Furukawa, and Konstantin Borisov of Roscosmos.
They will head to the ISS from NASA's Kennedy Space Center at 6:56 a.m. EDT (1056 GMT) on Aug. 17. You can watch the events live at, via NASA Television.
Related: SpaceX's Crew-7 astronaut launch delayed to Aug. 17
The valve '-- known as an isolation valve '-- is designed to come on in case of a thruster leak, Reed said during the press conference. Since no leak was happening at the time it was stuck open, the valve "didn't have to serve any purpose."
The affected spacecraft, known as CRS-28, otherwise returned to Earth normally on June 30 after 25 days in space. After checking into the valve on CRS-28, SpaceX looked at its entire spacecraft line. They found "corrosion among certain units," Reed said, which SpaceX is looking into identifying and addressing.
As part of this work, SpaceX has already tested all the isolation valves on its six Crew Dragons and will continue to do so during their normal maintenance and certification for flight. "At this point, no anomalous behavior has been identified on any of those valves. They're all operating, opening and closing appropriately," he said.
While there are backup valves available to isolate a leak in case of trouble, Reed said SpaceX will do its best to address the root cause and to keep NASA apprised of developments.
"We will continue to work closely with NASA and all of our SpaceX teams to ensure that we're ready to fly," he added.
SpaceX engineers, he emphasized, "will continue our mini tests and reviews that we've been doing. These always give us an opportunity to step back, review the data, listen to the hardware, and mitigate any risks."
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Elizabeth Howell (she/her), Ph.D., is a staff writer in the spaceflight channel since 2022 covering diversity, education and gaming as well. She was contributing writer for for 10 years before joining full-time. Elizabeth's reporting includes multiple exclusives with the White House and Office of the Vice-President of the United States, an exclusive conversation with aspiring space tourist (and NSYNC bassist) Lance Bass, speaking several times with the International Space Station, witnessing five human spaceflight launches on two continents, working inside a spacesuit, and participating in a simulated Mars mission. Her latest book, "Why Am I Taller?", is co-written with astronaut Dave Williams. Elizabeth holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Space Studies from the University of North Dakota, a Bachelor of Journalism from Canada's Carleton University and a Bachelor of History from Canada's Athabasca University. Elizabeth is also a post-secondary instructor in communications and science at several institutions since 2015; her experience includes developing and teaching an astronomy course at Canada's Algonquin College (with Indigenous content as well) to more than 1,000 students since 2020. Elizabeth first got interested in space after watching the movie Apollo 13 in 1996, and still wants to be an astronaut someday. Mastodon:
(1) The Pentagon's Bio-Labs in Africa - The Shultz Report
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 04:33
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has been creating biosecurity and biosafety labs (BS&S ) in various parts of Africa as they develop various biological 'threat reduction' programs. As always, I think it's important to follow the money when investigating these sorts of activities. Financial support for genetic research and modification on pathogens has come from the CDC , Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Microsoft , Illumina , and Oxford Nanopore Technologies , and the Pentagon's DTRA - to name a few.
The Africa Pathogen Genomics Initiative for example is partially funded by the MasterCard Foundation through the African CDC in order to ''enable vaccine delivery and administration, and develop a workforce to support continental vaccine manufacturing.'' The EU also provides a modest 10 million dollars with the goal of ''facilitating harmonized surveillance and disease intelligence.'' I find it almost offensively unsurprising that these goals have absolutely nothing to due with public health or human safety but rather industry, surveillance, and control.
Africa is facing increasing surveillance from the Pentagon's DTRA, especially concerning '' biological defense projects .'' On a side note, using the provided budget outline, the DTRA also maintains a program in Central Asia focused on the developement of hypersonic technology and artificial intelligence.
It's also clear the activity in Africa has been planned for some time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the African Union purchased hundreds of millions of vaccines (Moderna, J&J, Pfizer) through the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) which is, unsurprisingly, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , the Wellcome Trust, the Wyss Foundation , both the African and European Unions, and the United States . Fortunately for people living in Africa who were charitably gifted with the vaccine by these organizations, there exists the AVAT No Fault Compensation Scheme which monetary compensation for citizens of Participating Member States who have suffered from ''Serious Adverse Events'' as a result of their vaccinations. Considering how Completely Safe and Effective' the COVID vaccines have been, the existence of such a platform is quite puzzling.
Why is the government so keen on having an effective surveillance and monitoring mechanism in Africa. Could it be to simply ensure public health? In light of the COVID pandemic, which wreaked havoc on the globe at every level of a society and stripped millions of people from the right to breathe the air, it seems clear - that is not the case.
It is clear that the immense resources being poured into these programs in Africa have another purpose; something that casts a darker shadow over the intentions, activities, and potential impacts of these biosecurity and biosafety labs. The implications of permanently establishing powerful surveillance and monitoring mechanism in Africa is one that cannot be ignored; it is not just a mere effort to protect citizens from pathogens they themselves are creating , but is rather a quest to gain control both over the individual regimes on the continent and the global ecological system.
The efforts of the DoD, CDC, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft, Illumina, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, and the Pentagon's DTRA to develop biosecurity and biosafety labs in Africa if viewed with curiosity present personal risks to all of us. What agenda is the US pursuing by having such powerful parties use Africa as a testing ground for biosecurity and biosafety with weapons-grade and pathogen-specific research and modifications? Why use Africa as a testing ground? Now that Ukraine is in ruins and the Russian Federation has exposed the US governments activities there, it appears they're simply reverting to their tried and true work on the African continent.
-The Shultz Report by M. Shultz
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Obama Chef Dies While Paddleboarding on Martha's Vineyard - The New York Times
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 13:11
U.S. | Obama Family Chef Dies While Paddleboarding on Martha's Vineyard Campbell was a sous chef at the White House during the Obama administration and stayed on with the family when they moved to private life.
Emergency responders searching for Tafari Campbell on Monday morning after he disappeared while paddleboarding in Edgartown Great Pond. Credit... Ray Ewing A personal chef to the Obama family died over the weekend after he was seen struggling in the water while paddleboarding near the former first family's home on Martha's Vineyard, the Massachusetts State Police said on Monday.
The body of the chef, Tafari Campbell, 45, of Dumfries, Va., who was visiting the Vineyard, was found just before 10 a.m. Monday about 100 feet from shore in Edgartown Great Pond in water about eight feet deep by the Massachusetts Environmental Police. It had deployed sonar from a boat during an hourslong search that began Sunday night and involved several law enforcement agencies.
Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama were not home at the time of the accident, the state police said. An investigation into the death of Mr. Campbell, who had worked as a sous chef when the Obamas were in the White House and stayed on with them afterward, is being conducted by the state police and the Edgartown Police Department.
Just before 8 p.m. on Sunday, emergency services from Edgartown responded to Edgartown Great Pond near Turkeyland Cove, where Mr. Obama has a summer home, for a call of ''a male paddleboarder who had gone into the water, appeared to briefly struggle to stay on the surface and then submerged and did not resurface,'' the state police said in a statement.
Another paddleboarder was on the pond with him at the time and saw him go under water, the police said. The state police, the U.S. Coast Guard and multiple local fire units, including divers, assisted in the search.
After several hours of searching on Sunday night, ''the operation was paused to allow dive teams, flight crews and other responders to re-equip and assess next steps,'' the state police said.
Chief Alex Schaeffer of the Edgartown Fire Department told The Vineyard Gazette that island police officers and firefighters had conducted door-to-door searches after Mr. Campbell was reported missing, and that firefighters had searched the pond's shoreline by foot.
In a statement, Mr. and Mrs. Obama called Mr. Campbell ''a truly wonderful man'' and ''a beloved part of our family.''
''When we first met him, he was a talented sous chef at the White House '-- creative and passionate about food, and its ability to bring people together,'' they said. ''In the years that followed, we got to know him as a warm, fun, extraordinarily kind person who made all of our lives a little brighter.''
The Obamas said they had asked Mr. Campbell to stay on with them as they were getting ready to leave the White House.
''He's been part of our lives ever since,'' they said. ''Our hearts are broken that he's gone.''
According to their statement, Mr. Campbell's survivors include his wife, Sherise, and twin boys, Xavier and Savin.
The Obamas, longtime summer visitors to Martha's Vineyard, purchased a secluded 30-acre property on the south shore in 2019 for $11.75 million. Their seven-bedroom, 6,900-square-foot-house fronts Edgartown Great Pond with views of a barrier beach and ocean. The still, brackish, coastal pond has multiple inlets that are popular among recreational boaters, especially among kayakers and paddleboarders hoping to take in a spectacular sunset.
The National Weather Service reported fair and clear conditions on Sunday night, with a high temperature around 70 degrees.
Mr. Obama has visited the Vineyard since his days as an Illinois senator and spent part of every August on the island for seven of the eight years he was in office, skipping 2012 during a re-election campaign.
This is not the first time a chef for a former American president has died in a sudden manner. Walter Scheib, a former executive chef during the administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, drowned accidentally in 2015 after going on a hike in Taos, N.M.
Obamas' personal chef drowns near family's home on Martha's Vineyard | AP News
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 13:10
FILE - White House Chef Tafari Campbell smiles Nov. 6, 2008, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. Campbell, an employee of former President Barack Obama, has drowned near the couple's home on Martha's Vineyard. Massachusetts State Police confirmed that the paddleboarder whose body was recovered from Edgartown Great Pond on Monday, July 24, 2023 was Tafari Campbell, of Dumfries, Virginia. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds, file)
EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) '-- Former President Barack Obama's personal chef has drowned near the family's home on Martha's Vineyard.
Massachusetts State Police confirmed that the paddleboarder whose body was recovered from Edgartown Great Pond on Monday was Tafari Campbell, 45, of Dumfries, Virginia.
Campbell was employed by the Obamas and was visiting Martha's Vineyard. The Obamas were not present at the home at the time of the accident.
Authorities say an Alaska man inadvertently filmed his own drowning on a glacial lake with a GoPro camera mounted on his helmet.
Former Arkansas quarterback Ryan Mallett, who also played for New England, Houston and Baltimore during five seasons in the NFL, has died. He was 35.
Authorities say at least 17 people have been found dead after a boat capsized in Senegal's capital, Dakar.
In a statement, the former president and his wife, Michelle Obama, called Campbell a ''beloved part of our family.''
''When we first met him, he was a talented sous chef at the White House '' creative and passionate about food, and its ability to bring people together,'' the couple said. ''In the years that followed, we got to know him as a warm, fun, extraordinarily kind person who made all of our lives a little brighter.''
''That's why, when we were getting ready to leave the White House, we asked Tafari to stay with us, and he generously agreed. He's been part of our lives ever since, and our hearts are broken that he's gone.''
The search for the missing paddleboarder started Sunday after reports from a fellow paddleboarder that he had struggled on the surface, went under and didn't resurface.
The search was paused late Sunday but on Monday state police said sonar from a boat located the body about 100 feet (30 meters) from shore at a depth of about 8 feet (2.4 meters). Campbell was not wearing a life jacket, police said.
The Obamas said Campbell is survived by his wife and their twin boys.
Deadly, COVID-style pandemic could easily start in US, report finds
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 12:57
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Televisiewereld gooit roer om: kijkcijfers blijven voortaan geheim
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 04:53
De televisiewereld gooit het roer om nu de lineaire kijkcijfers onder druk staan: ze stoppen met het dagelijks publiceren van de scores van de avond ervoor. ''Heel jammer'', zegt Tina Nijkamp.
(C) SBS, SKO, RTLEr worden in de Nederlandse media dagelijks nieuwsartikelen gemaakt over de kijkcijfers van de avond ervoor. Zo is er momenteel veel buzz over de vroegere hitshow 'Te land, ter zee en in de lucht', omdat dat afgelopen zaterdag enorm goed scoorde. Zowel RTL Boulevard als Shownieuws maakten er daarom een dag later items over.
Tina baalt stevigAl dat soort items zijn nu verleden tijd, want de tv-wereld heeft besloten om de kijkcijfers voortaan geheim te houden en pas na een week te publiceren, als de uitgestelde aantallen erbij opgeteld zijn en het allemaal net iets rooskleuriger lijkt. En na een week is de urgentie van die cijfers natuurlijk wel weg. De buzz rond het medium tv zal dan ook sterk afnemen.
Tina Nijkamp, de bekendste kijkcijferkenner van ons land, baalt. Zij duidt elke dag de kijkcijfers op haar analysekanaal. ''Heel jammer. Zenders zelf kunnen elkaars cijfers nog wel zien maar de rest van Nederland dus niet. Pas een week later. Behalve natuurlijk als het lineair heel goed is, dan komt de zender natuurlijk meteen met een persbericht.''
'Als eerste land!'Het wordt heel ontransparant, vindt Tina. ''Ook journalisten zien de kijkcijfers in principe een week later. En zo is Nederland het eerste land in Europa die dit zo doet. RTL en Talpa mogen dit natuurlijk zelf weten, maar mag de NPO dit ook doen? De NPO is toch van ons allemaal en dus ook openbaar?''
Tina vraagt het zich ten zeerste af. ''Best heftig voor een publieke omroep van een land, betaald door alle belastingbetalers. We betalen er wel 9,11 euro per maand voor, maar mogen dan als kijkers dus niet weten waar we de dag ervoor naar hebben gekeken. Bizar.''
Kapot door persMediakenner Victor Vlam stelt in zijn podcast De Communicado's dat de tv-wereld dit juist doet om de Tina's van deze wereld de mond te snoeren. ''Een programma wordt op basis van alleen de lineaire cijfers kapot gemaakt in de pers. Iedereen zegt van: 'Het was een flop', terwijl het uitgesteld heel goed wordt bekeken. Dat vinden ze problematisch.''
Zijn collega Lars Duursma daarop: ''Toch heb ik hier moeite mee, want als mensen cijfers niet goed interpreteren, leg dat dan uit. Zorg dat je goed over de bÂŒhne krijgt dat mensen snappen dat iets maar de tussenstand is. Het is zoals bij een voetbalwedstrijd: 'Dit is de ruststand.' Dat betekent niet dat je mensen de ruststand moet onthouden.''
'Heel erg laf'De tv-wereld zal er hard voor hebben gelobbyd, denkt Lars. ''Dit zijn de televisiezenders die hebben gezegd: 'Wij willen onze investering beschermen. Wij steken heel veel tijd en geld in het programma en vinden het jammer als het na een dag afgebrand wordt. Dus om onze investering te beschermen gaan wij jullie, het grote publiek, informatie onthouden.'''
Victor: ''Ik neem aan dat dit inderdaad op initiatief is van de tv-makers, de zenders inderdaad. Dus NPO, RTL, Talpa.''
Lars: ''Ja, ik vind daar toch wel wat van. Ik vind het vooral ook laf, weet je wel. Dus nogmaals: leg het gewoon beter uit. Dat betekent toch niet dat je het niet hoeft te communiceren?''
McDonald'sVictor zit er dubbel in. ''Zij zeggen dus dat het wel zo is dat er uitzonderlijk veel openheid wordt gegeven in de televisiewereld over hoe programma's het doen. McDonald's maakt ook niet elke ochtend bekend hoeveel Big Mac's er zijn verkocht en of dat meer of minder is dan Burger King Whoppers heeft verkocht bijvoorbeeld.''
Hij vervolgt: ''Dus het feit dat er ÂŒberhaupt kijkcijfers heel snel worden gepubliceerd, straks dus na zeven dagen, daarvan zeggen zij: 'Dat is eigenlijk al heel uitzonderlijk.'''
Lars: ''Nee, dat snap ik ook wel, want bijvoorbeeld bij Netflix weet je niks. ('...) Maar ik vind het toch wel als groot publiek wel heel erg zonde dat we dit niet meer hebben.''
Wat zegt Rob?Hoe duidt tv-kenner Rob Goossens dit? Hij twittert: ''Zenders houden volledige toegang tot de cijfers en zullen makers zeker blijven bijsturen. De 'voordelen' zijn sowieso voor de zenders: een flop is zeven dagen later minder interessant voor de entertainmentmedia (en je hebt straks nog zes dagen de tijd om gezichtsverlies te voorkomen).''
''Het is trouwens minder leuk voor programma's als Boulevard die zullen zakken in de lijstjes '' simpelweg omdat ze hoofdzakelijk live worden gekeken en dus ingehaald gaan worden door programma's die uitgesteld veel bekeken worden. Maar dat overleven we vast wel!''
Pfizer Warns Customers Of Drug Supply Disruptions After Tornado Damages North Carolina Plant | ZeroHedge
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:18
The tornado that caused extensive damage at a large Pfizer pharmaceutical plant in North Carolina last Wednesday appears to have disrupted drug supply chains.
In an email to customers, Pfizer explained sixty-five different formats and formulations of products, including the anesthetic lidocaine; the painkiller morphine; and other essential hospital medicines, "may experience continued or new supply disruptions in the near-term," according to Bloomberg. The email provides a list of several different dosages or formulations of at least 32 drugs, plus two sizes of empty glass vials. The Food and Drug Administration said forty-six of the products were already in short supply.
On Friday, FDA Administration Commissioner Robert Califf said he "does not expect there to be any immediate significant impacts on supply given the products are currently at hospitals and in the distribution system." But the newly released letter from New York-based Pfizer appears to show otherwise.
The Rocky Mount Pfizer plant makes up about 8% of all injectable drugs used in US hospitals. The plant sits on 250 acres with more than 1.4 million square feet of manufacturing space.
Pfizer's initial assessment of the plant found the tornado primarily damaged the warehouse facility, which stored raw materials, packaging supplies, and finished medicines. It said there appears to be no significant damage to the drug manufacturing area of the plant.
Before the tornado hit the plant, there were drug shortages across the US, including ADHD drugs, antibiotics, and cancer treatments. Recall this note we penned in June, "Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse."
Erin Fox, who runs the University of Utah's drug information service, told Bloomberg that Pfizer's large market share for certain drugs raised concerns that the drug shortage could worsen.
However, Fox said hospitals wouldn't see immediate effect after the Rocky Mount weather-related incident because drugs were already stockpiled at hospitals, wholesalers, and distribution centers.
IngredientWerks produces "Meaty Corn," proving it can significantly reduce the high-cost of key alternative protein ingredients, with a carbon-neutral footprint, at industrial scale
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:15
, /PRNewswire/ -- IngredientWerks, a leading molecular farming company unlocking the vast potential of plants to produce animal proteins for human health and nutrition, announced today it has achieved a major milestone for the alternative protein industry by producing a proprietary corn expressing high levels of bovine myoglobin. As a high-value heme protein and key animal replacement ingredient, bovine myoglobin is used to mimic the taste, texture and aroma of meat in alternative protein applications. Using corn as a "manufactory" for the production of high value proteins like its "Meaty Corn," IngredientWerks leverages the immense capacity of the US agricultural cultivation and processing infrastructure to produce these valuable proteins at industrial scale, with a carbon neutral footprint, and at a fraction of the cost to produce the majority of these alternative animal proteins today.
An image of "Meaty Corn" in the company's growing test facility.In Q2 of this year, the Company verified its myoglobin production platform significantly exceeded its initial target expression level of heme at 10mgs per gram of corn, a level which the company calculates confers an unprecedented low cost for heme production. Additionally, this achievement represents the first successful expression of myoglobin beef in corn, a plant-based, molecular farming application. Accordingly, the Company has protected this proprietary application with corresponding patent application filings. As a heme-binding protein traditionally found in the muscle tissue of cows, myoglobin is an important taste additive critical for creating meatier flavors in the growing alternative protein space which the company believes represents a $1B global market opportunity.
"This achievement is to the alternative protein industry as is the advancement in lithium-ion battery technology to the electric vehicle market '' an engine that creates quality, affordable, and sustainable value and helps drives consumer adoption," said Matt Plavan , CEO of IngredientWerks. "By reaching these expressions levels of myoglobin in corn, we believe we've solved for three of the greatest challenges facing the alternative protein markets today '' the production of high-quality, low-cost animal proteins at scale."
In less than a year since emerging from stealth mode, IngredientWerks has pioneered a paradigm shift in scaling animal protein production as compared to incumbent methods like precision fermentation or cultivated meat. This new approach arrives at a critical time when meeting the increasing consumer demand for parity in cost of alternative meats is challenged by capacity bottlenecks and high processing costs typical of precision fermentation or lab grown manufacturing to produce these proteins at scale.
"Plant-based and alternative foods are solidifying their place in the mainstream diet," said Plavan. "As they become more readily available in stores and on menus, consumers are setting the bar for taste and cost higher than ever before. That means the production of quality, affordable, accessible and sustainable ingredients are critical in this new era of food production. I'm continually amazed at the ingenuity and dedication of the IngredientWerks research team, and excited to bring this valuable solution to the industry!"
About IngredientWerks:
IngredientWerks is a leading molecular farming developer and producer of plant-based ingredients for food and nutritional alternative proteins. Recently spun out of Agrivida, Inc (a subsidiary of Novus International), IngredientWerks leverages over 15 years of plant transformation, recombinant protein cultivation, processing and deregulation expertise to develop customized, high value protein ingredients. The company harnesses plants to become protein manufacturing systems in its mission to pioneer a new era of food production. IngredientWerks' plant-based ingredients provide a sustainable solutions for superior taste, quality, and dramatically-reduced costs for the rapidly expanding alternative protein market.
SOURCE IngredientWerks
Browns wideout to miss start of camp with blood clots
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:05
BEREA, Ohio (WKBN) '' The Cleveland Browns announced that veteran wide receiver Marquise Goodwin will miss the start of training camp with blood clots in his legs and lungs.
He was placed on the non-football illness list on Friday.
According to a release from the team, Goodwin experienced discomfort in his legs and shortness of breath during organized team activities in the spring. A recent medical checkup revealed the blood clots.
''It was really alarming at first because I've experienced injury throughout my career, but it's never been anything like this that could turn into something detrimental if it's not taken care of,'' he said. ''It was frightening at first, but now I'm at ease with it. I've prayed and just given it over to God. It's out of my control, and the only thing I can control is my effort and attitude and how I approach each day moving forward.''
Goodwin is not sure when he can return to football activities but plans to remain around the team in meetings and offering support as training camp begins.
''It's one of those things that is totally out of my control, out of the doctor's control and out of the trainer's control,'' he said. ''It's really an unfortunate deal we have to deal with, but we need to deal with it in the proper fashion. The Browns are doing everything in their power to support me through it by allowing me to be around the team, on the field and in meetings.
''I'm grateful for that, and hopefully this thing gets back under control and I can feel my body and what I need to feel so I can help this team make this run.''
Goodwin signed with the Browns as a free agent in March after spending last season with Seattle. The 32-year old amassed 27 receptions for 387 yards and four touchdowns in one season with the Seahawks.
In nine seasons in the NFL, Goodwin has piled up 187 catches for 3023 yards and 18 touchdowns.
He previously spent time in the NFL with Buffalo, San Francisco and Chicago.
Goodwin was originally a third-round pick of the Buffalo Bills in the 2013 NFL Draft.
The Browns also placed guard Colby Gossett and wide receivers Anthony Schwartz and Mike Woods II on the non-football injury list.
All players remain on Cleveland's active roster.
Sex tape of Virgin Islands delegate Democratic Rep. Stacey Plaskett surfaces online
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:04
A sex tape featuring the Virgin Islands' delegate to Congress and her husband was briefly posted online by hackers before being removed, the lawmaker said Thursday.
A topless photo of Democratic Rep. Stacey Plaskett was also circulating online, according to Politico.
"Private photographs shared between my husband and me, as well as a private playful video of our family, including one of our children, were illegally obtained and disseminated via the internet," Plaskett said.
"To say my family and I are greatly upset would be a tremendous understatement. As a mother I am outraged that one of my children was exploited in such a way."
The pol suspected she was the victim of dirty political tricks two weeks before the Virgin Islands holds a primary for her seat.
Virgin Islands' Rep. Stacey Plaskett hinted that her political rivals were at the root of the hack. (U.S. House of Representatives)
"This incident shows that there are some people who will go to any length to degrade a woman who refuses to play their games and will try to besmirch my good name by any means necessary," she said in a statement.
The sex tape was online Wednesday night before being pulled down, according to Politico.
Plaskett's office said the FBI and Capitol Police were investigating the swiped video and other material.
As a delegate from the U.S. Virgin Islands' at-large congressional district, Plaskett has no vote but can participate in debates.
Originally Published: Jul 21, 2016 at 2:09 pm
Biden Is Wrong: Adding the CIA Director to the Cabinet is a Disaster for Intelligence - 19FortyFive
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:36
''I am pleased to announce that I have invited the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Bill Burns, to serve as a member of my Cabinet,'' President Joe Biden declared in a White House statement released Saturday.
Burns has always been ambitious. He often treated his perch at the helm of the CIA as an audition for his desired job, secretary of State, much to the confusion and annoyance of his foreign counterparts. For Burn, the CIA was less important than getting himself alone in front of the president.
Biden prizes loyalty. He sought to populate top posts not with the best and the brightest, but rather with decades-long staffers whom he trusted. Throughout Biden's career, the secret to earning his trust has been simply to affirm his decisions. Some presidents treasure intellectual friction; Biden is intimidated by it. Burns has always been an astute bureaucratic player. He understands this.
It is for this reason that making the director of Central Intelligence a cabinet-level position co-equal to the secretary of State or Defense is such a bad idea, one that could cripple the Central Intelligence Agency long after Biden and Burns leave office.
The CIA prides itself on the professionalism of its intelligence generation and analysis. This has always been more conceit than real as the personal biases of its officers color how they analyze information.
Bringing Burns into the cabinet, a policy-making body, shreds any pretense that the CIA is a professional organization that stands apart from the political rough-and-tumble that characterizes Washington.
Just as accusations of politicization have eroded Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)'s reputation under Presidents Trump and Biden to the point where discussion of its elimination now moves from the fringes to the mainstream, so too will the CIA's director's presence in cabinet meetings call into question its tradecraft and priorities.
Should the CIA take a controversial decision, might those who disagree write it off as the result of politicization rather than a judgment based on the legitimacy of intelligence? Alternately, might an ambitious director like Burns even subconsciously self-censor in order to remain in Biden's good graces, regardless of what the intelligence suggests?
If Burns truly cared about the organization he now heads, he will tell Biden, ''Thanks, but no thanks.'' He likely does not, though. Ultimately, the CIA will pay the price. Expect the perception if not the reality of intelligence politicization, to increase exponentially.
Now a 19FortyFive Contributing Editor, Dr. Michael Rubin is a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Dr. Rubin is the author, coauthor, and coeditor of several books exploring diplomacy, Iranian history, Arab culture, Kurdish studies, and Shi'ite politics, including ''Seven Pillars: What Really Causes Instability in the Middle East?'' (AEI Press, 2019); ''Kurdistan Rising'' (AEI Press, 2016); ''Dancing with the Devil: The Perils of Engaging Rogue Regimes'' (Encounter Books, 2014); and ''Eternal Iran: Continuity and Chaos'' (Palgrave, 2005).
FTX lobbyist tried to buy island Nauru, create superspecies: lawsuit
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:35
The Nauru ring road runs right around the island nation of Nauru.
(C) Hadi Zaher | Moment | Getty Images
Sam Bankman-Fried's younger brother, who was a top lobbyist for failed crypto exchange FTX, considered purchasing the island nation of Nauru in the Pacific to create a fortified apocalypse bunker state, a lawsuit filed in Delaware bankruptcy court shows.
Gabe Bankman-Fried was looking at buying Nauru in the "event where 50%-99.99% of people die" to protect his philanthropic allies and create a genetically enhanced human species, according to the suit filed Thursday by attorneys from Sullivan & Cromwell, which is seeking to recover billions of dollars following the collapse of FTX.
Bunker life is a well-documented fixation among tech billionaires, particularly those who identify as doomsday preppers. There's also a fascination with buying large estates in the Pacific and even owning small islands there.
In his years running FTX, the elder Bankman-Fried brother touted a philanthropic lifestyle called effective altruism and established the philanthropic arm with that in mind. Devotees of effective altruism work to maximize their income so they can give away their money in a fashion they see as most beneficial to humankind.
Gabe Bankman-Fried was FTX's most visible presence in Washington, D.C., and was connected to bipartisan charitable donations that ran into the hundreds of millions. Along with an unnamed philanthropic officer of FTX, he considered buying Nauru, in part to foster "sensible regulation around human genetic enhancement, and build a lab there."
A representative for Nauru confirmed the island nation was not and has never been for sale.
Nauru, with a population of about 12,000, is a little over 2,100 miles away from Brisbane, Australia. It was there that FTX lawyers allege the Bankman-Fried team sought to establish an emergency base for itself and a select group of "EAs," or effective altruists.
In addition to serving as a haven in case of apocalypse, "probably there are other things it's useful to do with a sovereign country, too," according to a memo between the younger Bankman-Fried and the philanthropic advisor, which was noted in the suit.
WATCH: FTX seeks to claw back $700 million from ex-Clinton aide's investment firm
Trans | Book by Helen Joyce | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:35
'A scholarly, compassionate and courageous examination of a subject that's sparked an unhelpful civil war within the LGBTQ community. Unlike those of her online counterparts, Joyce's arguments are well researched, soundly made and avoid the toxicity that mars so much conversation on this topic.'
'' Observer, Books of the Year
'A frighteningly necessary book: well-written, thoroughly-researched, passionate and very brave.'
'' Richard Dawkins
'A courageous, intelligent and important work, rooted in good science and common sense.'
'' Jenni Murray
'I'm off the fence...This rigorous and brave book nails the absurd idea that sex is just a ''social construct'''
'' David Aaronovitch, The Times
'A superlative critical analysis...With this fact-filled, humane, and brave book, a grown-up has entered the room.'
'' The Telegraph
'Reasonable, methodical, sane, and utterly unintimidated by extremist orthodoxy, Trans is also a riveting read.'
'' Lionel Shriver
'Thank goodness for Helen Joyce'... Trans is a searing and at times devastating analysis of an ideological shift that has had a profound influence on many institutions in the West'... With the rigour of an investigative journalist, she looks at the history of the trans movement over the past century.'
'' Christina Patterson, Sunday Times
'A tour de force. With a fine eye for detail, she brings all the elements of gender ideology together with clarity and precision...simply a must-read'
'' Evening Standard
'anyone wanting to understand how transgender rights became such a flashpoint in identity politics '' and why a generation of feminists is so determined to stand its ground '' should start here with this polemical book by Helen Joyce.'
'' Patrick Maguire, Times, Books of the Year 2021
'An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight. Even those outraged by Joyce's positions would benefit from understanding them...Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.'
'' Jesse Singal, New York Times
'A passionate defence'
'' Financial Times
'Incisive, compassionate and nuanced'...In the first decade of this century, it was unthinkable that a gender-critical book could even be published by a prominent publishing house, let alone become a bestseller.'
'' Louise Perry, New Statesman
'I was knocked out by Trans'... Biology vs magical thinking has become such a violent debate that most people involved (myself included) can't set verbal foot in it without effing and jeffing till the air is blue. But Joyce is always cool, calm and in complete possession of her extensive collection of facts.'
'' Spectator Books of the Year
'A sane, humane book.'
'' Daniel Dennett, author of Consciousness Explained
'There are few subjects which need treatment that is at once delicate, thoughtful and brave. Helen Joyce manages all of these things in Trans. Anyone looking to understand this most fraught of issues should start here.'
'' Douglas Murray, author of The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, Identity
'How do we want to live? How do we want our children to live? Helen Joyce tackles this matter. Buy her book for your teenagers. Give it to your boss. Send it to the head of HR. Place it on a bench at the Royal Academy. Sex matters. Tell everyone.'
'' The Article
'Helen Joyce has written a very important, enlightened and powerfully-argued book on one of the most controversial issues of our times. For anyone who wants to understand the spirit of the age, its complexities and challenges, and how to map a truly progressive way forward. Riveting from start to finish.'
'' Matthew d'Ancona, Editor and Partner, Tortoise Media
'A searing analysis of the transgender debate that has dominated much of public discourse in Scotland in recent years, at least among feminists'... I urge you to read Helen Joyce's book'... It may well offer you a new perspective on this most troubling of national conversations. It may even change your mind.'
'' Susan Dalgety addressing Nicola Sturgeon in the Scotsman
'This is the book every woman should read. It explains how we're being erased, how our arguments are being distorted, and the cost of standing up...Brilliant, coruscating, brave.'
'' Joan Smith, author of Misogynies
'The author brave enough to take on the trans lobby'
'' Mail Online
'If'... you look to grasp the extent to which gender identity ideology, both academic and popular, bears comparison with the worst sort of pseudoscience, then Joyce is your pick'... Perhaps because of her use of biology, Joyce's feminism is disciplined and thoughtful'... [a] careful use of science.'
'' CapX
'Well-researched, compelling...a deeply compassionate reminder that there are real trade-offs to be made in human rights activism.'
'' Ayaan Hirsi Ali
'[Joyce] is sharp, lucid and brilliant in analysing how the recent surge of sexual 'transitioning' and insistence on self-declared 'gender identity', has undermined feminism's achievements.'
'' Spiked
'The book I wish I'd had the foresight to pitch and the insight to write.'
'' Jo Bartosch, The Critic
'An ambitious, wide-ranging, yet incredibly economical book'... Trans is an enormously readable and widely accessible book, full of righteous anger and common-sense feminism.'
'' The Radical Notion
Posturing for profit: after Coutts, the backlash
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:30
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Pride: Rainbow flag flies above Bundestag for first time '' DW '' 07/23/2022
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:24
Germany's federal parliament, also known as the Bundestag, raised the rainbow flag for the first time on Saturday as the city held a parade and other events celebrating the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.
The flag, with its six colored stripes, stands for tolerance.
The flag was erected in the morning atop the southwest tower of the Reichstag building in the German capital, Berlin. Two more were raised in front of the east and west portals.
Berlin's LGBTQ pride parade gets underwayTo view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video
Full-scale Pride returnsAfter two years of COVID-related restrictions '-- leading to a virtual event in 2020 '-- a large-scale Pride, known in Germany as Christopher Street Day (CSD), took place this year, with organizers expecting up to 500,000 attendees during the course of the day. Police said 150,000 people took part in the parade.
It started at noon (1000 GMT) local time with a rally and a shower of confetti at Spittelmarkt in Berlin's Mitte district.
The subsequent march followed a path of 7.4 kilometers (4.6 miles) through several districts toward the centrally located Brandenburg Gate.
The parade took place under the motto 'United in Love!'Image: Christoph Soeder/dpa/picture allianceThe governing mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, lamented in a statement that sexual minorities were still discriminated against.
"Even today, people belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community are excluded and even physically attacked," she said. "We must therefore take a decisive stand against hate and exclusion."
A multi-religious service for CSD was held in one of Berlin's churches.
Berlin Pride is one of the largest events of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) community in Europe.
jsi/wd (AFP, dpa)
What's Happened to the Male Orgasm? | Vogue
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:22
''I vote it should be them,'' I replied.
''Yeah, sorry, they can't spend decades centering the male orgasm as the end of sex and then say it's no longer the end of sex.''
''It's too late for me,'' I said. ''My entire sexuality is built around what men want.''
Of course, I wasn't being serious, but it made me think. What do I want? A while ago I was sleeping with this guy, and I remember him asking the second or third time we slept together, ''What do you want?''
I was on top, looking at him, and I remember wanting to hide. Trying to think of an answer to his question was like trying to describe a color I'd never seen before. I was tongue-tied. So I said, ''What do you want?'' bouncing the question back to him, and then he repeated it back to me a second time so that it felt as though we were playing that stupid game the Chuckle Brothers used to do where they went, ''To me, to you,'' again and again and again.
On my phone, there's a screenshot of a quote from the beginning of Want Me by Tracy Clark-Flory. It's from director Miranda July, and I saved it in my favorites folder because it resonated so much. It reads: ''I'm always interested to hear how a woman conceives of herself as a sexual person, because there is really no map for this. Only a series of contradictory and shaming warnings. So whatever any of us comes up with is going to be wholly unique and perhaps a little monstrous'--like a creature that has survived multiple attacks yet still walks, still desires.''
And what is left surviving at the end'--for me, for the women I know? When we imagine sex, we're rarely ever ourselves but someone else entirely, because it would be too shameful to be us. Most of us have some sort of praise kink'--where you get off on someone telling you you're good at stuff'--presumably because the focus is on someone else's pleasure. We're so objectified that we like to become inanimate objects, or think about being watched, followed. Our sexuality slips in between gaps, slides into the spaces in between, clings on.
South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions - Bloomberg
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:20
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Excess deaths in England and Wales 2023 | Statista
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:15
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Office for National Statistics (UK). (July 18, 2023). Weekly number of excess deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to July 2023 [Graph]. In Statista . Retrieved July 24, 2023, from
Office for National Statistics (UK). "Weekly number of excess deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to July 2023." Chart. July 18, 2023. Statista. Accessed July 24, 2023.
Office for National Statistics (UK). (2023). Weekly number of excess deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to July 2023 . Statista . Statista Inc.. Accessed: July 24, 2023.
Office for National Statistics (UK). "Weekly Number of Excess Deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to July 2023." Statista , Statista Inc., 18 Jul 2023,
Office for National Statistics (UK), Weekly number of excess deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to July 2023 Statista, (last visited July 24, 2023)
Weekly number of excess deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to July 2023 [Graph], Office for National Statistics (UK), July 18, 2023. [Online]. Available:
Call for investigation as excess deaths spark 'dangerous' theories |
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:13
Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. HOME News Royal Showbiz & TV Sport Comment Finance Travel Entertainment Life & Style Style Diets Health Garden Tech Property Life Cars Food The death toll in 2023 is nearing pandemic levels and the absence of an explanation is leading to wild theories. Experts warn that an urgent investigation into the matter is needed to curb dangerous theories and resulting anxieties. 22:00, Sat, Jul 22, 2023 | UPDATED: 15:14, Sun, Jul 23, 2023
Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, needs to launch an urgent inquiry into excess deaths (Image: Getty)
An urgent investigation is needed into why excess deaths are near pandemic levels, because the lack of an explanation is fuelling ''wild and dangerous theories'', experts warn.
Government figures suggest the number of extra or ''unnecessary'' fatalities this year is higher than 2021 and 2022, and on a trajectory that could even surpass 2020.
Of particular concern is the 15 to 44 age group, where cumulative deaths are tracking above all recent years, including 2020.
Some commentators have suggested delayed medical treatment due to lockdown measures might be contributing to the rise.
Others have blamed the indirect impact of pandemic measures, such as increased loneliness and isolation, as well as a rise in alcohol consumption and recreational drug use.
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Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has previously hypothesised that rising non-Covid excess deaths could have been caused by a fall in heart drug prescriptions. But subsequent research has shown there was no such drop.
It was also claimed doctors' strikes coincided with the jump in deaths. However, the British Medical Association said walkouts were not ''the root cause''. It insisted: ''There was no change in mortality trends during strike action.''
The latest figures mean that since 2019 more deaths are being recorded each week than the five-year average. Only a small proportion of these are now being directly attributed to Covid.
Dr Charles Levinson, Medical Director of private GP service Doctorcall, said the ''silence'' from Government was allowing conspiracy theories to flourish, including from anti-vaxxers.
He said: ''A refusal to openly discuss these statistics is an abdication of responsibility from parts of the scientific community, leading to an irreversible erosion of trust by parts of society.
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''There has been radio silence on the crisis from almost all, leaving a vacuum which is being filled by dangerous theories.''
Last night Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine at Oxford University, called for an urgent inquiry.
He said: ''There has been a complete failure by the Government to investigate these deaths correctly. This means we don't know how to prevent further unnecessary deaths, fuelling wild speculation about the drivers.''
The Department of Health and Social Care said: ''A wide variety of factors have contributed to excess deaths in recent months and we're taking action to reduce them.
''Our forthcoming Major Conditions Strategy will look at how best to diagnose and manage the main drivers of ill health and death.''
How to live longer: Five ways you could increase your life expectancy Eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid unhealthy foods such as red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fat, and sodium.Aim for 30 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous activityAim for a normal body mass index (BMI), which is between 18.5 and 24.9Give up smoking because there is no healthy amount.The NHS recommends not regularly drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week. 14 units is equivalent to a bottle and a half of wine or five pints of export-type lager (5 percent abv) over the course of a week Invalid email
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VIDEO - Disease X - how the world can stop the next pandemic | World Economic Forum
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:47
Hosted by:
Robin Pomeroy
Podcast Editor, World Economic Forum
Pandemic Preparedness and ResponseThe healthcare sector plays a crucial role in the response to COVID-19, and in efforts to prevent of future outbreaks by bolstering the resilience of the global health system. As businesses, governments, civil society organizations, and experts share insights and experiences gained during the pandemic, they are pursuing three primary phases of action to combat it: a ''flatten'' phase of attempting to keep casualties low to avoid overwhelming health systems, a ''fight'' phase of balancing economic, health, and social impacts while distributing vaccines, and a ''future'' phase of turning related business transformation into opportunity while optimizing healthcare systems.This briefing i...
More episodes: More on Pandemic Preparedness and Response
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Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:31
VIDEO - The 10 Most Incredible Exchanges From The House UAP Hearing | The Daily Wire
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:04
On Wednesday, the House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs held the much anticipated hearing on Unidentified Ariel Phenomena (UAP).
Two of the three witnesses who addressed the Committee under oath were former Navy pilot and Americans for Safe Aerospace executive director Ryan Graves, and Retired Navy Commander David Fravor. The third witness was whistleblower David Grusch, a decorated military veteran and intelligence official who served in Afghanistan and formerly worked at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Grusch was the National Reconnaissance Office's (NRO) representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force beginning in 2019.
While certain responses couldn't be provided in an open session under threat of legal action, and would require David Grusch to enter a SCIF (secure compartmented information facility) with members of Congress, during the portion of the hearing in which representatives questioned the witnesses, several extraordinary exchanges still stood out.
Injury or MurderOne of the more explosive questions came when Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) asked David Grusch if he knew of anyone who had been ''harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal '... extraterrestrial technology.''
Burchett: Do you have any personal knowledge of people that have been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extraterrestrial technology?
Grusch: Yes. Personally.
Burchett followed up by asking if, to Grusch's knowledge, anyone had been ''murdered.''
Grusch replied: ''I have to be careful asking that question. I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.''
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) asks whistleblower David Grusch if individuals have been ''harmed,'' ''injured,'' or or ''murdered'' in ''efforts to cover up or conceal'' UAP tech.
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
LocationsRep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) asked Grusch if he believed the federal government has retrieved non-human craft, and where they might be stored.
Grusch responded that he does believe the government is in possession of craft, based on interviews with 40 witnesses, and that he knows ''the exact locations and those locations were provided to the Inspector General.''
He added: ''I actually had the people with the firsthand knowledge provide a protected disclosure to the Inspector General.''
Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) asks whistleblower David Grusch where UAP are located.
Garcia: ''And where?''
Grusch: ''I know the exact locations, and those locations were provided to the Inspector General'...''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
CLICK HERE TO GET THE DAILY WIRE APPFear of lifeRep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) asked Grusch if he has ''had incidences that have caused you to be in fear for your life for addressing these issues.''
Grusch responded in the affirmative.
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) asks whistleblower David Grusch if he has been ''in fear for his life addressing'' issues relating to UAPs.
Grusch: ''Yes.''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
Cease and DesistRep. Luna asked Ryan Graves if ''commercial airline pilots [are] receiving cease and desist letters from corporations for coming forward with information in regard to safety '-- for potential airline passengers.''
Graves replied: ''I have been made privy to conversations with commercial aviators who have received cease and desist orders.''
Luna then stated that these companies are putting their reputations ahead of the safety of the American people.
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) asks former Navy pilot Ryan Graves if private corporations are sending ''cease and desist letters'' to commercial aviators who have come forward with safety information relating to UAPs.
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
Is This China?Rep. Burchett asked retired Cmdr. David Fravor about the apparent jamming technology experienced from UAPs.
Burchett: Did you experience any of that jamming or interrupting your radar or weapons system?
Fravor: My crew that launched after we landed experienced significant jamming to the APG-73 radar '-- which was what we had on board, which is a mechanically scanned, very high-end system. '... And yes, it did pretty much everything you could do: range, velocity, aspect'...
Burchett: Are you aware of any of our enemies that have that capability?
Fravor: No
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) asks retired Cmdr. David Fravor about ''jamming'' from UAPs.
Burchett: ''Are you aware of any of our enemies that have that capability?''
Fravor: ''No.''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
Aggressive Behavior (Human and Non-Human)A fascinating exchange occurred between Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) and Grusch, who alleged ''disturbing'' behavior by UAPs and by people in the federal government.
Burlison: Has any of the activity been aggressive, been hostile in your reports?
Grusch: I know of multiple colleagues of mine that got physically injured'...
Burlison: By UAPs or by people in the federal government?
Grusch: Both.
Bulison: So there has been activity by alien or non-human technology and/or beings that has caused harm to humans?
Grusch: I can't get into specifics in an open environment. But at least the activity that I personally witnessed '... what I personally witnessed '-- myself and my wife '-- was very disturbing.
Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) asks whistleblower David Grusch is there has been ''aggressive or hostile'' activity from UAPs or by ''people within the federal government.''
Grusch: ''Both. '... What I personally witnessed '-- myself and my wife '-- was very disturbing.''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
What Do They Look Like?Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) asked Graves what the common appearance was of craft seen by Navy pilots with whom he had worked.
Graves said that, primarily, the craft seen have been ''dark gray or black cubes inside of a clear sphere.''
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) asks former Navy pilot Ryan Graves to describe UAPs that have been ''sighted by different pilots.''
Graves: ''We were primarily seeing dark gray or black cubes inside of a clear sphere.''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
Holman RuleAfter asking a series of questions concerning national security, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) said that he believes Congress should demand to speak with Grusch in a SCIF (secure compartmented information facility), and ''if that access is denied, I will personally volunteer to initiate the Holman rule against any personnel, or any program, or any agency that denies access to Congress.''
As The Washington Examiner explains, ''The Holman rule is an appropriation power that allows Congress to reduce the salary of or effectively fire a government employee. The rule also allows Congress to cut funding from certain programs the government operates.''
Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN): ''If that access is denied, I will personally volunteer to initiate the Holman rule against any personnel, or any program, or any agency that denies access to Congress.''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 26, 2023
Non-Human RecoveriesAnd perhaps the most explosive claim came when Rep. Mace asked Grusch about UAP ''pilots.''
Mace: If you believe we have crashed craft '-- as stated earlier '-- do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft?
Grusch: As I've stated publicly already in my News Nation interview, biologics came with some of these recoveries, yeah.
Mace: Were they, I guess, human or non-human biologics?
Grusch: Non-human '-- and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) asks whistleblower David Grusch about ''pilots'' of crashed UAPs.
Mace: ''Were they human or non-human biologics?''
Grusch: ''Non-human '-- and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program'...''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
What Next?Lastly, Rep. Mace (R-SC) asked Grusch what agencies and contractors should be called into the next hearing.
Grusch said he could provide ''a specific cooperative and hostile witness list of specific individuals'' after the hearing.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) asks whistleblower David Grusch what agencies or contractors should be called into the next UAP hearing.
Grusch: ''I can give you a specific cooperative and hostile witness list '... after the hearing.''
'-- FDC1989 (@FDC_1989) July 27, 2023
VIDEO - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - July 25, 2023 - Town Hall Meeting With Sean Hannity
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 03:57
Kennedy Dazzles On Fox's 'Hannity'Spirited Town Hall Broadcast Tuesday NightThe Kennedy BeaconJuly 25, 2023
In a packed and at times raucous town hall event on New York's West Side on Tuesday night, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity welcomed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., declaring near the top of the live-to-tape one-hour show, "We are not going to shut him down."
The audience boisterously applauded.
Hannity's first question to Kennedy was direct yet significant: Why was he challenging a sitting president within his own party? Kennedy responded by referring to a study that revealed a decline in American pride over the years. "I want my own children to grow up as proud of this country as I was," he said. "I grew up in a time when we believed that this country was the greatest country in history."
Over the hour, Hannity asked Kennedy about poverty, healthcare, vaccines, censorship, and the war in Ukraine. When asked what he would do if he could negotiate a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine, Kennedy said, "We have to, there is no choice. Russia can't lose this war. It's like us losing a war to Mexico."
As one sign of his fatigue with liberal-leaning media bashing, Kennedy referenced an interview he had with an editor at The New Yorker a couple of weeks ago. "'What qualifies you to be the president?' he asked me," Kennedy recalled. "You have never been in Congress, never been a governor, never been in the Senate. Well, for me, that's probably the best qualification."
Both Hannity and Kennedy brought up the nature of today's Democratic party throughout the event. Hannity opined that the party seemed to prioritize compliance, pushing for unwavering support for President Biden without providing room for dissenting voices like Kennedy's. Hannity pointed out that despite such intolerance, Kennedy remained loyal to the party. "You are a Democrat, you said that in the censorship hearing where they censored you," Hannity said, referencing last week's 'weaponization of the government' hearing, during which Democrats attacked Kennedy and signed a petition to forbid him from testifying. (It failed to pass.)
Kennedy responded that he remains the kind of Democrat the party used to produce. His party, he said, has changed.
"The Democratic Party does not censor people, we are not the party of war, we are not the party of the neocons dictating foreign policy," he said. "We are the party of the middle class and we are the party of the working people and that's not where the party is anymore."
Questioning President Biden's fitness to lead the country, Hannity showed Kennedy a slickly-produced video featuring Biden's recent verbal faux pas. The host then asked Kennedy whether he thinks Biden is fit to lead, noting, "the world is a dangerous place."
Diplomatically, Kennedy answered: "Well, he has never been good with words," an understatement which elicited laughter in the crowd. Hannity playfully responded, "You get an A+ for that answer." Kennedy calmly continued, "I avoid personal attacks on people."
Kennedy concluded the town hall by stating that he aims to end the polarization in America by telling the truth. "People in this country know that the system is rigged and they know that they are being lied to," he said.
Hannity didn't let Kennedy off easy, but he gave him an open platform for dialogue and a chance to explain his views on a wide range of pressing issues. That is more than most media outlets have done.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble
Children's Health Defense Website
Children's Health Defense On Twitter
Children's Health Defense On Rumble
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:
RFK Jr: Media Appearances
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Patrick Bet-David Tells Story Of RFK Jr. & Childhood Vaccines: "This Guy Is A 100% True Believer!"
Evidence That Vindicates RFK Jr. - The DNC's Attacks Were Shameful, Deceptive & Taken Out-Of-Context
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RFK Jr: "There's A Lot Worse Things Than Dying '-- And Living Like A Slave Is One Of Those!"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shares His "Happy Place"
The Complete, Unedited Congressional Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Opening Statement - Hearing On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Prepared Remarks
Previously Unreleased Recording: Bret Weinstein Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (From 2021)
Piers Morgan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Full, Unedited Interview)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shoulder To The Stone
A Young Robert "Bobby" Kennedy Jr. Talks About His Father, Uncle And His Future
RFK Jr. Describes How He Will Restore Free Speech & End Censorship When He Is President
Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & His Wife Cheryl Hines
Bill Maher Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Tucker Carlson: "I Really Admire Bobby Kennedy Jr."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - We Asked, You Delivered!
RFK Jr. Answers Tough Questions In The First Nationally Broadcast Town Hall Meeting (Excerpts)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines
Mainstream Media Goes Bonkers Over Viral Videos Of Shirtless, Fit, Healthy Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Health Policy Roundtable (RFKjr, Mercola, Tenpenny, Kory, Gentempo, McDonnell, Ji, Willis, Bigtree)
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The Real Anthony Fauci - Part 1 (1 Hour, 50 Minutes)
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The Real Anthony Fauci (Introduction To Documentary & Movie Trailer)
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VIDEO - They took blockbuster drugs for weight loss and diabetes. Now their stomachs are paralyzed | CNN
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:28
CNN '--
Joanie Knight has a message for anyone considering drugs like Ozempic or Wegovy, which have become popular for the dramatic weight loss they can help people achieve.
''I wish I never touched it. I wish I'd never heard of it in my life,'' said Knight, 37, of Angie, Louisiana. ''This medicine made my life hell. So much hell. It has cost me money. It cost me a lot of stress; it cost me days and nights and trips with my family. It's cost me a lot, and it's not worth it. The price is too high.''
Brenda Allen, 42, of Dallas feels the same way. Her doctor prescribed Wegovy for weight loss.
''And even now, being off the medication for almost a year, I'm still having a lot of problems,'' Allen said. She said she was at urgent care recently after vomiting so much that she became dehydrated.
Emily Wright, 38, a teacher in Toronto, started taking Ozempic in 2018. Over a year, she said, she lost 80 pounds, which she's been able to keep off. But Wright said she now vomits so frequently that she had to take a leave of absence from her job.
''I've almost been off Ozempic for a year, but I'm still not back to my normal,'' Wright said.
The diabetes drug Ozempic, and its sister drug for weight loss, Wegovy, utilize the same medication, semaglutide. These and other drugs in this family, which includes medications like tirzepatide and liraglutide, work by mimicking a hormone that's naturally made by the body, GLP-1. One of the roles of GLP-1 is to slow the passage of food through the stomach, which helps people feel fuller longer.
If the stomach slows down too much, however, that can cause problems.
Knight and Wright have been diagnosed with severe gastroparesis, or stomach paralysis, which their doctors think may have resulted from or been exacerbated by the medication they were taking, Ozempic.
Wright said she has also been diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome, which causes her to throw up multiple times a day.
Allen doesn't have a diagnosis for her stomach problems but said they started only after she was encouraged by her doctor to take Wegovy to lose weight. She is managing her ongoing nausea and vomiting with a medication called Zofran and prescription probiotics while she waits for more tests in October '-- the first available appointments she could get with specialists.
Doctors say that more cases like these are coming to light as the popularity of the drugs soared. The US Food and Drug Administration said it has received reports of people on the drugs experiencing stomach paralysis that sometimes has not resolved by the time it's reported.
And last month, the American Society of Anesthesiologists warned that patients should stop these medications a week before surgery because they can increase the risk that people will regurgitate food during an operation, even if they've fasted as directed. Vomiting under anesthesia sometimes causes food and stomach acid to get into the lungs, which can cause pneumonia and other problems after surgery.
So far, extreme and unrelenting cases like these are believed to be rare, and they may be a result of the drug unmasking or worsening an existing ''slow stomach.'' Doctors say people can have a silent condition called delayed gastric emptying and not know it. There's nothing on the drugs' labels that specifically cautions that gastroparesis may occur.
In response to CNN's request for comment, Novo Nordisk, maker of Ozempic and Wegovy, pointed out that drugs in this class have been used for 15 years to treat diabetes and for eight years to treat obesity, and they have been extensively studied in the real world and in clinical trials.
''Gastrointestinal (GI) events are well-known side effects of the GLP-1 class. For semaglutide, the majority of GI side effects are mild to moderate in severity and of short duration. GLP-1's are known to cause a delay in gastric emptying, as noted in the label of each of our GLP-1 RA medications. Symptoms of delayed gastric emptying, nausea and vomiting are listed as side effects,'' the statement said.
Gastroparesis can have many causes, including diabetes, which is a reason many people are on these drugs in the first place. Women are known to be at higher risk for the condition, too. In more than half of cases of gastroparesis, doctors are unable to find a cause.
''They may just be really unlucky,'' said Dr. Michael Camilleri, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic, said of the people who shared their cases with CNN.
On the other hand, this is how the drugs work, although not many doctors or patients understand this or the problems that may follow, he said.
Camilleri received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to study how one of the first GLP-1 agonists, a drug called liraglutide, affects stomach function.
He recruited 40 obese adults and randomly assigned them to take increasing doses of liraglutide or a placebo, which had no active ingredients.
After five weeks, he had people in the study eat a meal laced with a radioactive tracer so he could see how long food stayed in their stomachs. People taking liraglutide had dramatically slowed digestion compared with those on the placebo; it took about 70 minutes for half the food they ate to leave their stomachs, compared with just four minutes in the placebo group. And that was just the average delay: In some patients on liraglutide, the time it took for half the meal to leave their stomachs was 151 minutes, or more than two and a half hours.
Camilleri said the group taking liraglutide lost weight, and the bigger the delay in food leaving the stomach, the more weight people seemed to lose.
Fortunately, people in the study seemed to adjust to the medication over time. After 16 weeks, people in the group taking liraglutide were clearing about half the food they ate from their stomachs in about 30 minutes, as opposed to seven minutes in the placebo group. Symptoms of nausea and vomiting seemed to ease, too.
''Unfortunately, there have not been these types of robust studies, and so the whole idea that this class of medications actually delays gastric emptying is not as well recognized,'' Camilleri said.
''It is conceivable that some patients may have borderline slow gastric emptying and starting one of the GLP-1 agonists may precipitate a full-blown gastroparesis.''
Joanie Knight remembers exactly what she ate on her birthday in 2021. She ordered chicken fajitas at one of her favorite restaurants. She ate three skinny French fries and two or three pieces of chicken and then felt panic set in when she couldn't swallow the food.
''It felt like it was stuck in my throat,'' said Knight, who had been taking Ozempic for two years at that point and was already eating very little every day as a result. Her birthday dinner triggered a bout of violent vomiting.
''I thought, 'I hadn't eaten. How am I throwing up this much?' '' she said.
She went to see a gastroenterologist, a doctor who specializes in stomach problems. They put a tube with a camera down her throat and into her stomach to see what the issue might be.
''They said, 'your stomach is full of food,' '' she said.
Normally, less than 10% of the food will be left in the stomach four hours after a meal. When that climbs to between 10% and 15%, it's considered mild gastroparesis. Moderate gastroparesis is when 15% to 35% of food is left. Severe gastroparesis is anything over 35% after four hours.
A gastric emptying study '-- a test that measures how food moves through the stomach '-- put Knight in the severe category. She said she stayed nauseated all the time, no matter how little she ate, and took a prescription anti-nausea medication ''like it was candy.''
Still, doctors didn't connect her stomach problems to the Ozempic she was taking. Although the prescription information for the drug warns of nausea and vomiting, it mentions only that the drug causes a delay in stomach emptying as a warning that it might affect the absorption of other medications. It was almost four more months until a specialist took her off the medication.
Emily Wright, the teacher from Toronto, said Ozempic helped her shed about 80 pounds in one year, and she continued to take it to help manage her blood sugar, but she always felt sick. She said she vomited every day but kind of got used to it: She would wake up and throw up, and then her day would get better.
In clinical trials, nearly half of people, 44%, who took Wegovy reported nausea, and almost 1 in 4 reported vomiting; both are common symptoms of gastroparesis.In the clinical trials for Ozempic, which is the same medication as Wegovy but given at a lower dose, 1 in 5 people reported nausea and 1 in 10 reported vomiting.
In September 2020, Wright had to be hospitalized for dehydration related to the vomiting, and that prompted her to push her doctors for more answers. A gastric-emptying study showed that she had gastroparesis. Her doctors put her on two more medications to try to help her manage her symptoms but didn't take her off the Ozempic because they didn't suspect it was contributing.
Diabetes can also cause gastroparesis, but that typically happens only in people who have had the disease for at least a decade and have chronically high blood sugars that have damaged the nerves that control the stomach.
Both Knight and Wright say their doctors dismissed that possibility in their cases. ''Everybody said there's no way it's diabetes,'' said Wright, who had been diagnosed with diabetes for only five years when she developed gastroparesis.
In September 2022, her vomiting got much worse. Standing in front of her classroom, Wright said, she began having burps that smelled so strongly of sulfur and rotten eggs that the kids began to comment on it. ''What is that? Where is it coming from?'' they asked.
Then, instead of just vomiting the food she'd recently eaten, Wright noticed that she was throwing up food she'd eaten three or four days prior.
Another gastric emptying test showed her condition had deteriorated.
''Then the GI doctor said, 'Well, I've been seeing a lot of clients coming in with full stomachs on endoscopy who are on Ozempic. So let's try taking you off the Ozempic,' '' Wright said.
Both Knight and Wright said they got some relief after coming off the medication, but their problems continued.
Now, Wright said, instead of throwing up a meal she ate several days ago, she mostly vomits food she has eaten recently.
For people with gastroparesis '-- from any cause '-- these stories are the norm. It takes a steep mental and physical toll on people who live with it.
Knight eventually had stomach bypass surgery. It's similar to the technique used for weight loss, but it can also be a treatment for severe cases of gastroparesis. She said it has allowed her to eat some of her favorite foods again, like a few bites of pizza or chicken.
''Previously, I was on an extreme amount of vitamins because I wasn't eating. Now I can eat enough that I'm not malnourished,'' Knight said.
Wright said she's just hoping her condition will improve with medications and time.
''We don't know when we're gonna get better. I think that's the hardest part,'' she said. ''Like if you could give me like a year or two years, I would have something to hope for.''
Drug regulators say they have received reports of stomach paralysis among patients taking GLP-1 agonist drugs.
''The FDA has received reports of gastroparesis with semaglutide and liraglutide, some of which documented the adverse event as not recovered after discontinuation of the respective product at the time of the report,'' the agency said in a statement to CNN.
The reports have been submitted through the agency's publicly accessible adverse events tracking system, and the FDA said there's not always enough information in those reports to properly evaluate them.
The FDA said it has been unable to determine whether the medications were the cause or if the gastroparesis may have been caused by a different issue.
''Gastroparesis can be a complication of diabetes that is related to long-standing or poorly controlled disease, further complicating the ability to determine what role the drugs played in the reported events,'' the agency said.
Asked whether doctors and patients should be warned about the risk for people who are know to have slow digestion to begin with, the FDA said the benefits of the medication may still outweigh its risks, even for this group.
''Regulations pertaining to drug labeling state that a drug should be contraindicated only in those clinical situations for which the risk from use clearly outweighs any possible therapeutic benefit. Only known hazards, and not theoretical possibilities, can be the basis for a contraindication,'' the agency said.
The FDA said people with gastroparesis weren't excluded from clinical trials of these medications, and the benefits for diabetes and weight management ''may outweigh the risks in some patients with gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying.''
Doctors who are experts in treating gastroparesis say they're hearing more stories like these as greater numbers of people try the drugs.
''Gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying from the GLP-1 agonists definitely does happen,'' said Dr. Linda Nguyen, who specializes in the treatment of this condition at Stanford University.
What seems to be unusual about cases like Wright's and Knight's, Nguyen said, is that they didn't improve after they stopped taking the medication.
''In my experience, when you stop the GLP-1 agonist, the gastric emptying improves, and it gets better,'' said Nguyen, who is also a spokesperson for the American Gastroenterological Association.
Anesthesiologists say there are real hazards involved with stomach paralysis on these medications, and doctors and patients need more information about the risks.
Dr. Renuka George, fellowship director of regional anesthesiology at the Medical University of South Carolina, recently tweeted a photo of the stomach contents suctioned from a patient who had fasted as directed but was taking a GLP-1 agonist for diabetes. The stomach, she said, was basically full, even though the person had followed all the surgical prep instructions to the letter.
George explained that this is a cautionary tale.
''This has become more, I guess, front and center for anesthesiologists, simply because aspiration is a big concern,'' she said.
George explained that the stomach and esophagus can handle the acidic digestive juices that mix with food. Lungs can't.
''Lung tissue is fragile and precious,'' George said. ''If anything goes into the lungs, at best, it's a cough; at worst, you end up on a ventilator for an extended period of time.''
She said that as more and more people take these medications, with little information about the stomach slowdown that comes with them, they may not know to tell their doctors.
''The big concern is if we have patients that aren't aware of this and don't tell their anesthesiologists because not everybody wants to advertise that they're on a weight loss drug, right?'' she said. ''So that becomes a problem because they're not fasted appropriately.''
The American Society of Anesthesiologists is advising doctors to have patients stop these medications for one week prior to surgery to prevent aspiration, but President Dr. Michael Champeau said they aren't sure what the right amount of time to fast or stop the drug would be.
''When we issued this guidance, we issued it on very limited scientific evidence,'' Champeau said. These kinds of studies '-- on the delay in stomach emptying '-- just haven't been done, he said.
He said their experts felt that stopping it one week in advance, for people taking it weekly, would be reasonable in the near term.
George said she was aware of ongoing studies to try to learn more about this complication.
''There's a lot of research underway. I have a feeling that we're going to see a lot of publications in the next few years regarding this,'' she said.
Until more is known, George said, people need to be open with all their doctors about taking any drugs.
Knight, the gastroparesis patient in Louisiana, said people need to carefully consider the risks.
''I accepted that the medicine was working for me. I had a major side effect from it that altered my life course. Now I feel like my best option is to try to warn people whenever I can,'' she said.
Nguyen, the Stanford doctor, said patients need to pay attention to the side effects. If you vomit once or twice, that might be normal, but persistent vomiting is not.
''They should be evaluated. Consider reducing the dose or stopping the medication,'' she said.
''If your vomiting is affecting your hydration or you are having to take other medications to treat the side effects of this medication, then I think it's time to reconsider.''
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During a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing last week, House Democrats tried to block Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) from playing a video showing a minor gender reassignment surgery expert admitting there are a lot of unknowns involving the procedure in an interview. They staged a walkout after their attempt failed.
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VIDEO - Detransitioned boy who was castrated warns about the dangers of 'gender-affirming care'
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:20
A young male, who formerly identified as a transwoman, who was castrated and became a ''patient for life'' as part of ''gender-affirming care,'' wants to warn others not to follow in his footsteps. He discussed his story of resilience and learning to accept himself for who he is for the first time with Fox News Digital.
Kobe, whose name is being withheld for privacy reasons, had ''checked every box for what they call a trans adolescent.'' He was always ''effeminate'' and loved pink and playing with Barbies. If he was never exposed to gender ideology, he says he'd probably ''would have just stayed a feminine boy. And there's nothing wrong with that.''
''I felt unlovable as an effeminate man in society and everything. A feminine boy, actually. I was never a man, I'm trying to reclaim my manhood now and everything. It's hard. I have breasts, I have the hip development of a woman because I started the estrogen young. I have no gonads. You know, it's hard. My skull never really masculinized.''
Kobe, in retrospect, looks back at the medical interventions as a subconscious use of ''self-harm.'' During his early teenage years, he was struggling with internalized homophobia. ''I mean, I saw it as a way out of my homosexuality if that makes any sense.''
However, he didn't realize these truths until he got his surgery.
Kobe said his transitioning and detransitioning have led to ongoing medical issues. FOX NEWS''I was like, 'Oh, wow, this is so great. I'm locked in my transition'... But then everything started to crack and I couldn't ignore the complications,'' Kobe said. ''I couldn't ignore that I mutilated myself pretty much with the permission of a psychiatrist. It's insane now, looking back. It's just self-harm, you know.''
Kobe first encountered the idea of switching genders on YouTube.
''And I said, 'Oh, you can do this.' You know, I don't have to be a gay guy. I don't have to be an embarrassment. And all this horrible stuff that I thought about my homosexuality, and it was like a light bulb. It was like, this is a way out,'' he said. ''I thought it was.''
Kobe told his parents that he was transgender at age 11. At 13, Kobe said that older trans people online instructed him, as well as other kids, to ''play the suicide card'' in order to get chemical interventions.
''I started using, like, 'the suicide tactics,' because that's what they are. That's what they tell us all to do'... I don't want to use the word groom, but we are like taught. I guess the older transpeople teach us to say that stuff to get the health care and everything. And I mean, there were times when I thought I was genuinely suicidal over gender dysphoria, but it was I think it was all just stuff that was in my head. I don't think I would have ever been suicidal about being biologically male if I had never been exposed to that stuff.''
Kobe is pictured before transitioning. FOX NEWSKobe was started on puberty blockers around 13, estrogen at 16 and later had castration surgery at 19.
''I was expecting it to help me help my mental health, and it didn't do anything. I just wasted so much time and all I did really was become a medical patient for life,'' he said.
Kobe said his growth is ''permanently stunted'' because of puberty blockers, and has chronic pain in his spine as well.
''I need to get checked for osteoporosis because I do have a pretty severe back pain just going up the spinal cord,'' he shared.
Puberty blockers have been linked to issues with bone mineral density.
The blockers not only suppressed Kobe's development but according to him ''suppresses your life,'' ''your drive to do anything'' and ''your happiness.''
''I lost a lot of sexual function. I lost a lot of sensation down there,'' Kobe added about the hormone treatments. ''The mental stuff was really bad, but also like joint pain. It was just something near all the time. I was like, aching and hurting.''
Regarding cross-sex hormones '' estrogen '' Kobe said it impacted his cognition. He becomes foggy in the middle of conversations. Even now that he has been off of it for a few months, he still feels those effects. During the interview, he apologized for losing his train of thought numerous times '' attributing it to the estrogen he used to take.
''It was constant brain fog. I was psychotic at some point. A lot of men that I know who went through this hormone replacement therapy, it's the exact same thing for them. Estrogen just makes them snap.''
Kobe also developed an eating disorder after taking the hormonal drugs because of the issues it caused on his metabolism.
''The way that your metabolism sinks when you go on drugs, it's insane. I had such a hard time maintaining the weight and everything. It led me toward some really dangerous eating disorder behaviors and everything, which I also don't think I would have ever gotten into if it wasn't for the trans stuff. And not being able to keep the weight off with the blockers and stuff like that.''
He describes how his treating practitioners glamorized the idea of having surgery.
''The plan was always estrogen and then SRS (sex-reassignment surgery,)'' he said. SRS inverts male genitalia to create a neo-vagina, which must be dilated for the rest of a patient's life.
The letter approving the surgery said hormone replacement therapy was successful for him, and that Kobe was happier and mentally stable.
''None of it was true. I wasn't mentally stable. I hated myself. I wanted to die, and I just was constantly trying to become something that wasn't. And it was awful. It was dissociating, it was terrible. But'... and I'm sorry that '' the estrogen '' I lost my train of thought'...''
The surgery was scheduled but had to be canceled because of an insurance issue. So Kobe opted for an orchiectomy procedure '' the removal of the testes '' as a ''middle ground.'' At the time, he viewed testosterone as a ''poison'' for his body.
After taking testosterone, Kobe calls cross-sex hormones ''just bad.'' FOX NEWS''That's how deluded my head was, that testosterone is poison, and it's damaging and everything,'' he said.
Kobe also recounts how he was told by medical professionals that the orchiectomy surgery would help him in the interim of getting SRS.
''It didn't, now I'm just sterile, and I don't have an endocrine system, really. I mean, I do, but it doesn't self-regulate and everything.''
Without gonads, Kobe will have to take testosterone artificially for the rest of his life, which he started taking recently.
Kobe will have to take testosterone for the rest of his life. He now feels ''alive again.'' FOX NEWS''Honestly, I feel alive again,'' he said about being on testosterone. ''I feel energetic. I feel confident. I just, I feel great. And it just goes to show that cross-sex hormones are bad. They're just bad.''
He said that after getting the surgery, the area is still sore, and he experiences random sharp pains, especially when he is intimate. Kobe also described issues with urinating.
''I don't think it'll ever not be an issue,'' he said. ''I made the decision. I accept that and everything. It's just something that I have to live with now.''
''I know now that so many people end up taking their own lives after the surgery. And honestly, if they had allowed to invert my genitalia into what looked like a female genitalia, I don't think I would be here in a couple of years, honestly, because there's no undoing that.''
Kobe had family acceptance and ''passed'' as a girl. However, after all the interventions, he was still unhappy.
''I lived in denial for a bit, and I think a lot of people do before they detransition,'' he said. But then he took a step back, and looked at the entire ideology.
''I just realized how insane it was. I mean, people were saying trans women get periods, [they] deserved to be in women's sports, women's locker rooms with their male genitalia just swinging out, that trans women deserve to be in women's prison and stuff. I just saw that the rights of trans people were overtaking the rights of women, actual women. And I just couldn't justify any of that,'' he said.
As for what he plans to do in the future, Kobe loves science. He intends to pursue a career where he can care for animals.
''I'll do biology, and then I'll go for a year for zoology or something like that. I really want to work with endangered species and stuff like that. It's just reconnecting with stuff that I used to enjoy before getting sucked into all of this. Because the time I lived as trans, I had no hobbies or interests, I had nothing really. It was just becoming this caricature of a woman and everything that's based around that.''
When asked about what he wants people to know about him, Kobe said, ''I just want [people] to know that I am strong. I see myself as very strong for what I went through. I'm a pretty compassionate person. I do care about kids that are suffering with gender dysphoria and everything. And I think that they deserve help. But I don't think that that helps.''
If you are having thoughts of suicide, call or text 988 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or go to for a list of additional resources.
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VIDEO - WATCH: Chris Christie Actually Scores a Direct Hit on CBS News' Margaret Brennan '' RedState
Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:27
Chris Christie's presidential run hasn't quite gone as planned to this point, but the man still knows how to land a blow when it comes to facing down the mainstream press.
While speaking on Sunday to Margaret Brennan, an especially haughty partisan, Christie was pressed on the ongoing Hunter Biden scandal, with the CBS News host suggesting that Republicans should let the issue go. In a move that may surprise some, Christie wasn't having any of it and unleashed a brutal counter.
CBS's @MargBrennan urges Republicans to ''move on'' from Hunter Biden. The media never moved in. To @GovChristie on @FacetheNation: ''I was wondering, after this plea happens, if would you advise your party to move on?'' Christie: ''No.''
'-- Brent Baker ðŸ‡ÂșðŸ‡... (@BrentHBaker) July 23, 2023
BRENNAN: And I wonder after this plea happens, if you would advise your party to move on?
CHRISTIE: No, I wouldn't Margaret, and here's why. The conduct here by the US Attorney in Delaware and by the Justice Department just can't be justified. It doesn't take five years' you mentioned, I was the US Attorney in the fifth largest office in the country for seven years during the Bush administration. It does not take five years to investigate two misdemeanor tax counts and to dismiss a gun charge. And we need to know what they were investigating and why these are the charges they concluded to. This is not just any person, this is the son of the President of the United States, and while justice needs to be equal, it needs to be equal. And it doesn't appear to me that this is the way to do it.
I want to pause there because this is a point I've made several times along with other conservatives. On what planet does it take five years to investigate two misdemeanors for failure to pay one's taxes? That's the kind of thing that normally takes the IRS a few months to take care of.
Making matters worse is the fact that the DOJ let the statute of limitations run out on several more serious crimes, including the fact that Hunter Biden never paid a dime of taxes on the millions of dollars he made from Burisma in Ukraine.
A five-year investigation that ends in a slap on the wrist for low-level tax charges and pre-trial diversion for a gun crime that normally carries a 10-year sentence doesn't even begin to pass the smell test. That's where Christie went next.
CHRISTIE: And I would say one thing on the gun charge. I mean, this is a case where Democrats yell and scream for more new gun laws in the country, yet you hear no Democrat yelling about the fact that Hunter Biden intentionally lied on his gun permit application, mishandled the gun after he received it, and faces absolutely no penalty. Guess what, the guy who sponsored that law was his father, Senator Joe Biden, and that charge carries a 10-year sentence. They need to explain to the public why that was done so no, I don't think it's time to move on.
That leads me to my favorite part of the exchange. After Christie finished, Brennan stared down at her desk, not wanting to acknowledge a word of what Christie had just said. She then tried the only deflection she had left.
BRENNAN: And you know that the US Attorney in Delaware was appointed by President Trump, on issues'...
CHRISTIE: Incompetent Margaret. It doesn't matter whether you were appointed by a Republican or a Democrat. If your work appears to be incompetent and inexplicable, you need to explain it.
The fact that Trump appointed David Weiss, the US Attorney in Delaware, has been used by Democrats as a dismissal of any possibility of political bias in this case. That's simply absurd. At one point, Weiss was appointed to a position by Barack Obama too. He's a career prosecutor who has a very cozy relationship with the current leadership at the DOJ. There is zero evidence that his appointment by Trump (as big of a mistake as that apparently was) somehow means he's a straight shooter and above reproach.
You'll notice Brennan went to that talking point because she couldn't offer a rebuttal to anything Christie actually said about how corruptly the investigation was conducted. Love or hate the guy as a presidential candidate, he was spot-on in his commentary.
Lastly, I'll just note that Brennan's entire premise is ludicrous. Since when does an alleged crook getting away with his crimes mean it's time to ''move on'' from the issue? What an incredibly corrupt standard to try to assert. The plea deal in question is a joke, and it's ample proof that the DOJ sought to protect the Bidens. If anything, once the plea deal is finalized, the investigation into Hunter Biden and his family needs to intensify.
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ISO SO cute.mp3
Justice reform in IL WOW DN.mp3
Kamal vs FLA TWO.mp3
Kamal vs FLA.mp3
Kari Lake on Hillary.mp3
Lisa Marie's Death Prompts Ozempic, Weight Loss Warning from Dr Terry Dubrow.mp3
Meta Fine Aus 26 Jul 2023.mp3
NBC - Courtney Kube - climate change fueling west africa unrrest military coup attempt in niger.mp3
NBC - Courtney Kube - terrors new front line in west africa.mp3
NBC - Deirdre Bosa - san francisco is the AI capitol of the world.mp3
NBC - Garrett Haake - senator mitch mcconnell freezes on camera.mp3
NBC - Kaylee Hartung - lebron james son suffers cardiac arresst.mp3
NBC - Lester Dolt - kevin spacey found not guilty of sexual assault in UK.mp3
NBC - Priscilla Thompson - DOJ sues texas over border barrier.mp3
NBC - Raf Sanchez - massive protests over critical israel vote.mp3
NBC - Ryan Nobles - hunter biden plea deal derailed in court.mp3
NBC - Tom Costelo - fed hikes interest rates to 22 year high.mp3
NPR Consider This - Kelly McEvers Dahlia Scheindlin - the judicial overhaul that has torn israeli society apart [1].mp3
NPR Consider This - Kelly McEvers Dahlia Scheindlin - the judicial overhaul that has torn israeli society apart [2].mp3
NY Mayor is black.mp3
Putin to ship free grain to select African countries with FREE SHIPPING.mp3
RFK JR CLIP_CLEANED UP - Josh Seawell --Waves and IZotope.wav
RFKjr Compare to Trum 1 Fox.mp3
RFKjr Compare to Trum 2 chickenshit.mp3
RFKjr on the Hill Rising TWO.mp3
RFKjr on the Hill Rising.mp3
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Syria attacked by Israel DN.mp3
Ted Nugent on Podcast.mp3
TOK ENBY Girl.mp3
TOK if you are CIS.mp3
TOK Movie goer.mp3
TOK Queeer Summer camp.mp3
TOK Wing dysphoria.mp3
Trans Maoist Agenda Update Jingle_1_General.mp3
Trans Maoist Agenda Update Jingle_2_Woman.mp3
Trans Maoist Agenda Update Jingle_3_Old British Man .mp3
Trans Maoist Agenda Update Jingle_4_DJ Voice.mp3
Trump cases wrap with slant ABC.mp3
UN Sec Gen Gueterras on Global Boiling ALMOST NO WAY BACK.mp3
Vape Wars Jingle.mp3
WEF DAvos Radio - Disease X - how the world can stop the next pandemic.mp3
Zelenskyy fires UK AMb nts.mp3
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